Buzzen Forum

User Forum => Promote Your Room => Topic started by: PaPa_Wolf on June 16, 2016, 08:31:37 pm

Title: Open Minded.
Post by: PaPa_Wolf on June 16, 2016, 08:31:37 pm
As a few of you know, I am supposed to be taking over ownership of Open Minded, on the 20th,unless something changes.
I would like to extend a invitation to the Buzzen Chatters,to come by for a visit.
Many have asked if there will be any changes in the operation of the room to which I have told those who have asked,
"If it ain't broke,then don't fix it"
The rules will stay as they are, the host will continue to be with us, we are fortunate that Texas45 will be staying as well,and his sheep of course.
I will be in search of a few more host.and add a very few personal touches of my own.
Psych will will continue to frequent our room,as it is his baby that he created about 10 years ago.
All I ask if you come by to visit, is to keep it civil,if you have issues with any chatters,please use ignore,please do not argue with the host,and remember that the Buzzen staff[si do quite a bit to keep this site open,and all though,they have a site for donations, Buzzen is free,so the least we can do is to show our gratitude to Buzzen by not trash talking the owners or the staff...................and pray that they keep Wes busy,so he doesn't get bored and tear something
We just want you to come in and have a good time...............hope to see you there.
Regards to all
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 𝓙𝓪𝓽 𝟕 𝔁 𝟕𝟎 on June 16, 2016, 09:41:26 pm
Congrats PapaWolf on your new endeavor, I hope you have a very successful room, glad Texas is staying.   My best wishes to you!!!
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on June 16, 2016, 09:49:42 pm
Congratulations Wolf, all the best to you on your newest endeavor. If I can help you in any way....please let me know.  :-*
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Michael_Calif on June 16, 2016, 11:58:17 pm
I like how you put that and I will stay in there  Wolf that touched me and thank you
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ScootahGurl on June 16, 2016, 11:59:10 pm
I love it!! New changes of some things will be super!  You will make an awesome owner!   Please though be careful of who you choose as a host.  Best of Luck to you and our room!!! 
Much love,  Ang :-*
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: §hininGŞŤaяя™ on June 17, 2016, 04:10:44 pm
Congratulations PapaWolf, I wish you the very best on this new chat chapter in your life! I'm sure you will do fine job as room owner :)   As Scootah said, be careful on choosing your host. For that is an important thing on keeping a room going smoothly. Its all about fun, laughter and other stuff  :-[, lol   Happy that Texas is staying as well.
Hugs and Kisses, Starr    :-*
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ρяιмα on June 19, 2016, 06:41:55 pm
Good Deal!
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Marishka~Mateja on June 20, 2016, 05:35:38 am
Congratulations and all the very best with the room (((Papawolf))).. May your journeys be all and more you hoped it will be, and may the chatters be all and more they usually are lolz.. Love and light...Kai
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Lillian on June 22, 2016, 02:15:34 pm
Glad to have you Papa!  Hope it goes well for you!  I'll try not to stir things up :D
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ☼ŽĭРŞČΘŖp® on July 09, 2016, 11:29:22 am
Always liked your style of chat, Papa, keep up the great work!    Zip
Title: Re: Open Minded........
Post by: PaPa_Wolf on July 09, 2016, 05:53:05 pm
[/b]Open Minded is still going thru growing pains from the transition of ownership.
Mistakes will be made,and as owner i have to accept the responsibilities of mistakes made.
I am doing my best to run the room on a fair basis.
As I said before and probably will say again,
First,it is the chatters that make the room,followed of course by my hosting staff and I personally think we have some pretty damn good host. They do this for free just as the Buzzen Staff does all they do on a voluntary basis.
I will not tolerate the abuse of my host,insinuated or otherwise.
Nor will I tolerate the abuse of the chatters who come to OUR room. There are chatters that come to Open Minded who I do not particularly care for,but like any good host, I do not allow my personal feelings to get in the way of being a good host/owner.
Some who go to chat forget that there are those who for whatever reason, have no other way of socializing but thru chat. Having been homebound many years ago from a bad accident, the only way I was able to escape the loneliness of my temporary disability was thru chat. And I am to this day very thankful for those people who came into my life,by way of chat. Had it not been for them,I might have quite well had sunk into the deep depths of depression.
So that is why I care about the room,the host and those who visit.
I want the room to be fun and enjoyable....................for all concerned.
So if you come into OUR room,and want to chat/lurk or whatever............feel free too.
If your a person who likes to start drama,attack my host or harass OUR will not be welcomed.
I am sure you will be able to find a room that will tolerate that nonsense.....................We won't.
I an encourage anyone who has issues with myself,my host or OUR please use ignore.....if you fail to grasp the simple function of the ignore feature.....please find another room to chat in.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 𝓙𝓪𝓽 𝟕 𝔁 𝟕𝟎 on July 09, 2016, 06:46:52 pm
 Well said Wolf, I wouldn't expect anything less from you, congrats on being the wonderful human being you are!!!
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: MotherNaturesSon on October 26, 2016, 04:14:13 am
un ban me pls i been chatting in ur room for a long time it was unwarranted  thanks man
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: HAHAahahhahahahahahh on October 26, 2016, 05:35:33 am
Banned for what hard?

Nothing really I suspect.

Move out brother, you are better than this.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Brice the serial thriller on October 27, 2016, 10:41:14 am
Banned for what hard?

Nothing really I suspect.

Move out brother, you are better than this.

Papa Fletcher, hey its your bud Brice!  I can deff vouch for hardtohandle on his coolness and ive never seen him cause any trouble! PLEASE unban him at once, he's part of the OM family!! Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ƤƛƤƛ_ƜƠԼƑ on October 27, 2016, 06:45:10 pm
ts been a rough go this past week or so.

Father in law had to go back to the hospital, we had to call the EMTs Sunday,he was having respiratory issues. We thought all was well and they sent him home that afternoon. Turned right around and had to call the EMTs again Wednesday am,back he went and at this time is in CCU with pneumonia. It's not easy watching a loved one go thru constant battles,and he has his plate full. We are all tired. And I am not the only one dealing with family issues, I think some forget in chat that no matter how much we try and keep chat separated from life,it tends to flow to the other.
We are human we make mistakes, life might be kicking us in the ass and for some chat is a escape from the bullshit they might be dealing with. I am running on very little sleep and not in real good humor at this time.
It just is what it is.
I have spoken to those who have been taking care of the room in my absence. I have been informed bans have been lifted.
I will leave it that..................with this one thought.
No matter whether your a host or a chatter, before you jump to assumptions about either,try to remember you probably do not have any clue what that person might be going thru in their life. Cut them some slack................if you find that you just cannot get along with them in chat.....use really makes it easier on all concerned.
No one likes to kick and ban but sometimes we get tired of the constant arguing and bickering between chatters or those who seem to take issue with certain host/managers. If you just cannot handle the idea of a hosted chat room then maybe you should find a room that does not have a host. We are doing our best to try and accommodate all concerned. We are constantly working towards making OM a better chatroom. Still a work in progress and no matter how much we try there will always be someone who will not be happy with whatever changes we make.
Enjoy your upcoming weekend.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: MrCleanPeen on October 28, 2016, 10:50:30 pm
Papa my ban has not been lifted and i would really like to speak to you.  Its been over a month since ive been banned and i havent been able to explain my side.   I have tried to apologize to Juni for what happened that day but she has blocked me messaging her.   I am reaching out to you for your help, this has been really unfair and i would really like to speak with you.  Thanks, MrCleanPeen- Jeremy
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: MrCleanPeen on October 28, 2016, 11:00:21 pm
Papa ive been in Open Minded for a long time and you can ask almost anyone in that room, i have never caused any trouble.   For Juni to ban me like she did was unfair.   You dont realize that she gets in these moods where she picks on people for no reason and if you are in her sights she will ban you.   I have always thought Open Minded was a fair and friendly room.   Is Juni really the best choice to be a host for your room? 
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ƤƛƤƛ_ƜƠԼƑ on October 29, 2016, 12:27:41 am
Peen it has been lifted.

Im going to be like Trump,blunt and to the point..................if you don't like my bluntness,well it is what it is.

I want people to enjoy this chat room.

No drama and no bullshit

Just have fun

Use ignore

Read the room rules

They are very simple,so simple even I can understand them.

This is a adult chat room so I will safely assume most who come into OM are adults.

If you put yourself into the position of being removed from the room for ignoring the not come to me and expect me to reverse what my room managers /host have done.

All of us will be going thru training to make sure all of us are on the same page so that no one can say they are being picked on by any certain host.

Follow the rules and have fun in chat it just cannot get any simpler than that. If your in a grumpy mood and we all go there from time to time.............use ignore...if you have issues with a host.........feel free to use ignore as well.

Personally if I am in a bad mood or just tired I either don't come into chat or I come in and say very use in making others suffer for me having a pissy day.

Enjoy your chat.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: HAHAahahhahahahahahh on October 30, 2016, 04:46:34 pm
I read your thing about rules, but those policing them have to have enough intelligence to interpret what is breaking the rule and what is just messing about.

Therein lies the problem..

The vast majority of hosts are too dumb to scratch themselves let alone manage people. I say this from experience over many years.

Hope this helps in some way.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ƤƛƤƛ_ƜƠԼƑ on October 30, 2016, 06:34:04 pm
   Thank you for your input. We are making several much needed changes such as a very extensive host training class so that everyone is on the same page as far as interpretation of the room rules as well as the Buzzen COC.

Webbie our new manager is working on that as I type this and she has simplified the room rules to I think about 6 or so to make it easier for both host and chatters alike to understand.

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Eyecu on October 30, 2016, 09:01:28 pm
NrNatural, I removed your post, this thread is suppose to be a place for Owners to promote their rooms. If you have an issue with Open Minded I suggest you post on their community website @ (
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: MrCleanPeen on October 31, 2016, 11:55:25 am
Thank you Papa, I appreciate it, will do
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ღ rowdy°mąe ღ on November 02, 2016, 03:37:34 pm
Waves to Scoots and Bricey  :P   
Hey ya PAPA, You know you have missed me in the room really messin everything up and pissin people off  :-\ ??? :-*...and my spelling !!! OH MY MY  ::) :o. Miss ya all !

:-*rowdy :-*
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Sfty on November 02, 2016, 04:11:24 pm
I only have one question there a buffet or not??? :P Hugs to you and I hope your family reclaims good health..... (K)(L)
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Ooozzy on November 10, 2016, 12:09:16 pm
Good Morning. I was wondering if there is a way that the Sizzle Bot could have the option for individual chatters to be able to ignore? Chatting in the room this morning there were a lot of people who felt that the constant updates of what is playing that scrolls in the room every 3-4 minutes is very annoying. Thanks for considering this for those of us who have chatted in Open Minded for many years and like to chat in the open room and not have to see bot garbage on our screens.
Kill SizzleBot please :D!
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ★CоώвоӱsҒẫη★ on November 13, 2016, 03:25:49 pm
Good Morning. I was wondering if there is a way that the Sizzle Bot could have the option for individual chatters to be able to ignore? Chatting in the room this morning there were a lot of people who felt that the constant updates of what is playing that scrolls in the room every 3-4 minutes is very annoying. Thanks for considering this for those of us who have chatted in Open Minded for many years and like to chat in the open room and not have to see bot garbage on our screens.
Kill SizzleBot please :D!

I concur that there needs to be the ability to ignore the Sizzle bot if a chatter would like to do so.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 2Bumpz4U2 on November 13, 2016, 07:46:11 pm
I'm ok with the SizzleBot every half or every hour  ;) seems a good compromise
Love, Bumpz
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: err0r on November 13, 2016, 11:24:19 pm
We have updated webchat so that you may ignore Bot_Sizzle. You should only need to refresh your webchat. If you are unable to ignore the bot after refresh please clear temp files and try again.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Memphis on January 06, 2017, 09:14:31 pm
Just saw this, Papa I hope your father in law is getting better!
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: alwaysgirl on October 28, 2017, 10:54:55 am
I have bee kicked out of open minded and i don't know why?
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: soxy1 on October 28, 2017, 04:57:13 pm
Never mind always girl, come chat with the rest of us "banned chatters" in 40s, a chat room is only as good as its chatters, with no host and the use of ignor you can just have fun relax and enjoy chat, most of open minded chat in both rooms , each room has its good hours to log in...... looking forward to more chatters enjoying chat as it should be .....
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: sheneda on October 28, 2017, 07:59:21 pm
I am in  40s  of and on depends  who is in there. Do miss  talking to you 
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: soxy1 on October 28, 2017, 08:12:12 pm
thank you shen, that's very sweet of you to say, I'm in 40s but also really busy, something didn't go as I had planned in life, and now I am like the duck on water, graceful on surface and paddling like hell under, ill be back to my normal self all too soon, don't say you wernt warned ;)
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on October 29, 2017, 04:59:45 pm
I love when people play stupid, its so amusing.
Everyone who is banned from Open Minded is warned at least 3 times before it actually happens.
Funny the number of people who have migrated from 40s to Open Minded, maybe I was correct when I removed the riff raff and it migrated over to 40s.
soxy, I am glad you are happy in 40s. I had removed your ban and was going to inform you of it the next time I saw you, but, after seeing that you are so happy in 40s, I'll put the ban back in place.
I don't know how to tell you this soxy...but you can use ignore in every room, had you used it, instead of causing drama, you'd be chatting in Open Minded.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ★CоώвоӱsҒẫη★ on October 29, 2017, 05:10:52 pm
I have bee kicked out of open minded and i don't know why?

if you were kicked out and / or banned there was a reason for it
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: casey1 on October 29, 2017, 05:48:19 pm
Hi folks
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ~Cosmina~ on October 29, 2017, 08:42:25 pm
NG your so full of shit. I wasn't even at my computer when I was banned from your room. And I am not the only one who was banned when they weren't even present. Your room is going the same direction Youngers went when they had arrogant hammer heavy Hosts. Good luck.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Open_Minded on October 29, 2017, 11:17:08 pm
NG, you and all the host are doing a great job in managing the room. Seeing the troublemakers raise hell confirms that as well. Thank you to all of you and keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Šašha on October 30, 2017, 12:40:49 am
Thank  you Papa.   NG, you have done such a great job.    All the hosts, owners, and chatters are much happier now that the room is running so smooth.       We all have your back NG (L)
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on October 30, 2017, 01:43:01 am

You can type any lies you desire...I won't bite. I am sure you and your alternate personality You Wish, know exactly what happened. 
You were in the room, insulting me...and I warned you that I was going to perma ban you if you kept it up, you said go ahead, I don't care. So, I did. I accommodated your wishes, I gave you exactly what you wanted and now you are complaining? 
Go tell this BS to all the other people who buy into the craziness that you and your ilk spew.
I wrote the guidelines for Open Minded, I also follow them too, you know, because I wrote them.
I could post all the complaints I received about you before I banned you, but I won't play that game either, I always aim to take the high road. 
I am curious about something, if the room and the hosts are so bad, why is anyone complaining because they are banned. That is as logical as having a toothache, and getting mad at the dentist when he fixes it.
Logic people...use logic.
Type your heart away, I am done with this thread.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: soxy1 on October 30, 2017, 02:56:27 am
norty, I'm not sure what if anything was directed at me, however, I enjoyed my time in open minded, I put my hand up accepting I rub people the wrong way, that said I cant remember ever complaining about being banned, or enquiring about my ban, there are many I miss from open minded you being one of them, unfortunately when a large group of people gather in one place personalitys clash, and when said people are from different countrys and cultures  it adds to misunderstanding,and we all know I have a train load of hatters, I find that funny as hell,  and yes I'm very happy in 40's or any other  chatroom, .....and try remember I'm not a serious chatter...... so never ever take offence , wish you all the very best and happy when I catch up with "om" chatters in other rooms.......take care everyone (k)
 p.s in no way is this a dig at anyone, or me being my smart ass little self...... just an open honest statement, now please excuse me my coffee is getting cold (k), ohh and while I think of it, feel fee to display any complaints about me, I find it outstandingly hilarious some take chat so seriously they feel they need complain and log others comments, btw, I did use ingot on that one "host" and a few of the supermodels ;), ok now my coffee is really cold.....
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: syloxRANDALL on October 30, 2017, 03:02:18 am
I am applying for a hosting position in OM.

I expect payment for same.

Current rate is US $ 220.00 per hour.

My only other requirement is I host when i feel like it, i.e. no rosters etc.

For the above you get true professionalism, and intelligent decisions made in all situations based on facts and only in extreme circumstances empirical data.

With respect to the thread above the responses from some of the hosts is indicative of a greater malaise, a situation I can also remedy.

Response appreciated.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 𝖠𝗋𝗄 on October 30, 2017, 04:09:56 am
This one time, I saw Clint Eastwood coming out of a gay porn bar and I said HEY THE GOOD THE BAD OR THE BROWNEYE and then chuick norris appeared and pooped on the ground so hard it shook the entire planet so the green aliens from the simpsons halloween shows were mad and i got sent home to be spanked by a hairy legged old woman from albania
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: syloxRANDALL on October 30, 2017, 04:25:46 am
I have received scores of encouragement regarding  my hosting offer; to those that support me I say thank you, to those that do not I also say thank you.
A very good suggestion was offered, and I pass this on, if my offer  is successful and I commence hosting in OM all other hosts will answer to me, firstly on a probationary basis, once I have assessed their suitability for the role those successful will move to phase two, which will entail an intense training period in the x way of hosting, in summary professional detachment in the role. I an see this as mutually benefiting all parties, hosts and room users alike.

Again thank you all for a most welcoming and positive response.

Blake 7 Le Farge
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 🎼𝕍ΐvค𝕍๏c𝕖♫ on October 30, 2017, 04:57:40 am
yep... I to go into OM now when all the twats (OM banned ) end up playing in the 40's sandpit   ::)   hehe and I behave to ! :-[
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ★CоώвоӱsҒẫη★ on October 30, 2017, 05:08:15 pm
Most chatters when kicked or banned from a room, claim they have no idea why or what they did wrong, its quite amusing. Being at your computer at the exact moment you were banned is not a requirement for being banned so that has about as much to do with it as does the price of tea in China. There comes a point when a chatter is a problem and then they end up on a temporary ban and then later when they are back enough is enough and a permanent ban is put in place. Despite the bitter opinions of some, the room is certainly not going in the direction of some other room. It seems the room runs smoothly and is enjoyed by all visitors. We seem to have as many chatters as we always have had.

Soxy ... I appreciate your honesty there and just accepting why things went the way they did. Its a much better look than the way others have handled it.

X________ aka Blake ... We (Papa Wolf, NG, Sasha and myself) have been carefully considering your offer. As tempting as it is we feel we need to decline at this time for the following reasons.
 We know that your time is very important and valuable. We just don't feel like you are asking for enough money per hour and you should definitely hold out for more. Until we can pay you what you are worth, do not even consider hosting for us. I hope this is the welcoming and positive response you are looking for, as you are my biggest role model and I hope to be just like you when I grow up.

Omg .... so did Clint ever respond to your comment? Chuck Norris is so awesome!!

Viva ... Glad you enjoy the room, you are welcome anytime.

To All: Hosting in the Open Minded chat room is completely a volunteer position, there is absolutely zero compensation for doing so. Therefore there are guidelines established that are clear and easy to follow. Based on all of this, it is not for everyone and your only reward is that you are helping to make the room an enjoyable place for us to gather and hang out and chat and joke with each other. Thanks to Papa Wolf for allowing us to help you with your room :D NG and Sasha, great job ladies  :-* <3 ... To all who help with the room including the previously mentioned trio, I got your back  ;)
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Sfty on October 30, 2017, 05:32:25 pm
I dont often get involved in the politics of chat, but this time I feel like I need to say something......Chat would be alot nicer if all the hosts didnt  have to defend their actions. Its Papa's room, and NG, CF, Sasha, and the rest are doing a great job. If you dont like the way things are being run, please feel free to not visit the room. I have been involved in chats for 20 years now and I can safely say IF you were banned, you were banned for a reason.. I personally witnessed the patience of Jobe with some of the hosts , had I still been hosting you'd have been banned alot sooner...... no one is ever going to be 100% satisfied with every decision made in chat, but I can safely say so far in my estimation, the bans were warranted and appreciated by many. Most of us are just looking for a diversion from the daily grind of everyday life. And some of us have made friends for life...I reiterate. if you dont like it here, dont come here...... that being said..... NG, someone slipped kale in the buffet, I think it was that meany sasha......  :P ;) :-*
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: jeffrey dahmer on October 30, 2017, 06:52:15 pm
hi vivs. would you like some warewolves?
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 𝐓𝐇𝐄 on October 30, 2017, 06:59:36 pm
lol Cos you're a psycho, you do realize no one believes a word you say, right? I don't even have a dog in this fight, but I do know if anything involves you, I'm sure you started it and are now playing the poor widdle me song and dance.

Here, you need one of these..
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: on October 30, 2017, 07:14:23 pm
ok the new fix won't allow me into the room why?
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ★CоώвоӱsҒẫη★ on October 30, 2017, 09:57:36 pm
ok the new fix won't allow me into the room why?

Illusive ... new fix? Like flash update or you mean something on Buzzen? Perhaps you could start a support ticket if you are still having trouble getting in to the room. (
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Šašha on October 30, 2017, 10:07:05 pm
:oI did not do it, CF did it
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 🍁Pumpkin🎃Smoothie🍁 on October 31, 2017, 12:40:49 am
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on October 31, 2017, 01:05:44 am
Darlin Sft,

I have removed the kale, the tofu and some other stuff that looked like fish feces, I am trying to stay on top of this matter, but, as I am sure you know, Sasha and Cowboy fan insist on a healthy buffet.
Lift up the table cloth...I have a bunch of unhealthy food hidden under there.   

PS, don't tell anyone, it is our secret. :-X
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on October 31, 2017, 02:40:32 pm
I was done with this thread...but I have something more to say.
First, I think Open Minded has the best hosts, they follow the rules, even the ones they disagree with, and I know they disagree because they tell me. 
As I said before, everyone gets at least 3 warnings before they are perma-banned.
No one is banned forever, unless they are a habitual problem, most bans are 30 days for the first offense, then 60 days, then 6 months, after that, you don't come back.
A person's attitude has a lot to do with being banned, you act like an ass, you get treated like one, imagine that!
I, yes I, have been kicked from the room, I was even banned once...shit happens, I got over it.
If people learned to use ignore, instead of fighting like prepubescent hormone induced morons, there would be less banning and more fun. 
No one wants to kick and ban, every host knows that if they kick for personal reasons, they lose their hammer.
At any given time, there are at least 5 people I dislike in the room, they chat anyway, that included you Cosmina. I can be cordial to anyone, even people I dislike. I guess I was raised well...or maybe I am heavily medicated.
Before anyone is perma-banned...the ban is posted in the Open Minded host forum and each host must vote on it, there is no final say on the is a group vote. I don't get to boss people around, I respect my hosts and I respect their opinions, that is the only way it works.
We have some awesome chatters, we have great hosts, (bad ones don't last long) my co-managers, always have my back and I thank God for Cowboy Fan and Sasha. Wolf, I have learned a new respect for him, I am thankful for the second chance, I am thankful for his guidance, and I don't mean just chat related things. 
Pestilence, you gave me the greatest chuckle today and I thank you. I love when people are sarcastic and use it with wit. I love when people get it, sadly, not many do.
X__________________, I am still waiting for that application, I suspect you don't really want the job, you are much to slow in providing me with an application and a resume.

Sincerest regards,
the tyrant known as naughty gurl Leatherberry
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ½ξvıł on October 31, 2017, 02:53:03 pm
I love when people play stupid, its so amusing.
Everyone who is banned from Open Minded is warned at least 3 times before it actually happens.
Funny the number of people who have migrated from 40s to Open Minded, maybe I was correct when I removed the riff raff and it migrated over to 40s.
soxy, I am glad you are happy in 40s. I had removed your ban and was going to inform you of it the next time I saw you, but, after seeing that you are so happy in 40s, I'll put the ban back in place.
I don't know how to tell you this soxy...but you can use ignore in every room, had you used it, instead of causing drama, you'd be chatting in Open Minded.

Actually NG, that's not quite true, I got a 15 from Eclissi the other day with only one warning. Really, it was for nothing, I was in a disagreement with another chatter (can't remember who at this point, or what it was about even), and neither of us was using personal attacks or anything. Frankly, I was basically expressing an opinion more than anything, and in a completely professional fashion.....
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on October 31, 2017, 05:52:08 pm
I guess I should explain in minuscule detail...before anyone is banned for 30 days, 60 days, or 6 months, they receive at least 3 warnings.
Chatters who are are creating drama get one, perhaps two warnings and then they are kicked, you were creating drama.
Eclissi, being the excellent host she is...posted the ban for me to see.
You weren't being professional, you were creating drama, had you used ignore like she told you to, repeatedly, before she kicked you, you wouldn't have had to make that inaccurate post.
Furthermore, re-read what I said...I was discussing bans that are 30 days, 60 days or 6 mouths in duration.
Being kicked and banned is different then being perma-banned.

Now I am done, this is a complete waste of my time.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Sfty on October 31, 2017, 07:54:44 pm that like when cowboyfan pulls my pigtails? :P......cuz he does that...... lol and btw?? I now know where sasha hides the chocolate....are ya in or out? :P lol
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ★CоώвоӱsҒẫη★ on October 31, 2017, 08:15:58 pm
Yup Sasha ... I did it and I am proud of it.  :-[

NG if by healthy you mean pizza and double bacon cheeseburgers, then yes you have my approval to put them on the buffet line, I'll get my plate  :D

Sfty I don't know if that is prepubescent, but its fun to do  :P
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Šašha on October 31, 2017, 10:47:55 pm
I wasn't going to weigh in on this topic, but I do have one thing to add.   Since all the changes have taken place and the troublemaking chatters are gone, we have gotten so many compliments from chatters.   Its so good to hear about the positive.   And knowing the positive greatly outweighs the negative, we know we are going in the right direction.    NG, Wolf and CF, we make a great team and I am proud to be a part it.    To our hosts, you all do a great job.   Thank you for volunteering your time to hosting.   

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 👢ξƈℓϊѕѕі👢 on November 01, 2017, 03:22:34 pm
Many of you have known me for several years, I remain (or try to remain) the same person I know that I am.
Holding a hammer in the room doesn't make me any different than anyone, if I abuse my hammer it would be removed from me no questions asked. Why, because we strive to be fair, logical, and great hosts, this is because we have upper management that set that example for us.

While I am in chat, I love to have fun, flirt (if I most), share of my personal stories at times, empathize with some of the chatters, just be there, I don't come in with the sole idea to kick or ban anyone in any given day, that is too much waste of my good energy.

Having said that, when I do kick anyone, I do it knowing that if I do it wrongly it can and will affect me as a host, chatter and person, because I have no ill for anyone, specially those I don't even know in person. I am about my person first, I owe it to myself to be the best I can be for me first, for my family, my very dear friends which include some of my chat friends.

Life is too short to complain about the things that are already done, about the things we can't change.  Instead life does give us the opportunity to become better than yesterday, better than before, today is the day to make the change for ourselves so that we may impact the past we may have messed up.

Lastly, I am very approachable, I am not above anyone, my whispers are always open if there is anything that needs to be discussed. I am not above reproach, and I love a good constructive criticism because I always want to become a better Eclissi than I was yesterday.

Much love always,

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Open_Minded on November 01, 2017, 08:20:16 pm
Very well said.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: on November 01, 2017, 08:33:31 pm
Illusive it won't allow me into any rooms at the present time, either. I've checked all flash player and related stuff. It's probably a sign to give chatting away.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: HardHat23 on November 01, 2017, 09:59:42 pm
Very well stated, Lissi.  Wish that everyone could look at things as sanely and rationally as you just did.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 👢ξƈℓϊѕѕі👢 on November 01, 2017, 11:12:17 pm
Thank you Papa Wolf for always having our backs and for allowing us the opportunity to grow in the room as individuals.

We, I believe I can speak for all hosts, love what we do and mostly who we do it for you, NG, Cowboys and Sasha are a great example.


Thanks for taking the time to reply to this post, it is because of people like yourself that I love what I do.

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: xx  Dixie  xx on November 02, 2017, 03:30:17 pm
why do I keep getting kicked out  of open minded  ??I am  doing nothing  wrong --ty
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 👢ξƈℓϊѕѕі👢 on November 02, 2017, 04:20:39 pm
Dixie, have you taken your concern to NG or one of the owners?  Is your nickname being kicked out due to being duplicate?  Please reach out to NG or one of the owners to resolve your issue.

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on November 03, 2017, 01:53:19 am
Dixie, since there are no kicks logged for you...have you thought that you are just disconnecting?
That is beyond our control, complain to Buzzen.
And, why would you post this here without speaking to an Owner, or any of the 3 managers?
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: xx  Dixie  xx on November 03, 2017, 02:12:58 pm
soory for posting what I posted  yesterday --I apologize  I was not aware that u had to speak with a host  or owner first --sorry if I offended anyone --this is a nice room and I enjoy being here --ty
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ★CоώвоӱsҒẫη★ on November 05, 2017, 05:12:56 pm
Lets be clear here ... being kicked/banned from a chat room is COMPLETELY different than "moofing" or disconnecting from the room if you have a bad internet connection or some other issue. Seems like you moofed since NG said there were no kicks logged for you.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: syloxRANDALL on November 07, 2017, 01:32:30 am
I would like to personally thank Cowboys Fan for offering me the opportunity to not only enter Open Minded but do so in a manner that was unencumbered with the threat of being thrown out. I would also like to say a very heart felt thank you to Cowboys Fan for offering me a  hammer and interim hosting position where I was able to display hosting at an extremely advanced level, for that I am truly grateful. I am especially pleased given I have been participating in a chat forum for approximately 12 years, 11 of which I have been banned for no more that upholding the right to free speech. Given the preceding the 25 second hosting stint takes on a special significance and provide me with renewed vigour to speak out on behalf of others. To those that witnessed the preceding event I say savour it, to those that have suffered at the hands of any brutal regime I say there is hope, to those that are indifferent I say rise up and be counted, to those that are afflicted I say read as a much as you can, educate yourselves and cherish freedom.

X out.

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on November 07, 2017, 05:41:29 am
If you were banned for 11 years, that ban must have been implicated by psych. That also means the ban had to have been lifted when he gave up ownership of the room, to Wolf. You should have tried to enter the room sooner.
I'm glad Cowboy Fan was able to relieve  any concerns you had, please stop by again.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: syloxRANDALL on November 08, 2017, 02:38:05 am
Thank you Naughty, it would seem that you too are of exemplary character.


Blake 7 LeFarge
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: alwaysgirl on November 25, 2017, 03:34:06 pm
 i would sincerely like to rejoin open minded.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: 👢ξƈℓϊѕѕі👢 on November 25, 2017, 05:32:41 pm
Alwaysgirl, I would let the room manager know about your request, she will get back to you accordingly. 
Eclissi Open Minded- Host
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: syloxRANDALL on November 25, 2017, 06:10:36 pm
Let us not forget, those that are banned from any chat room are banned for a reason.

These people are chat criminals and like all criminals they lose rights.

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: m0uSeofDooooM on November 26, 2017, 12:48:17 am
Let's all enjoy a glass  of cheap plonk and love one another.  ::)
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on November 26, 2017, 08:49:33 am
Here we go again, alwaysgirl, this forum is for promoting rooms...not for discussing chat-room problems.
But, I will tell you for the 10th time, you were banned for the kiddie porn photos in your profile.
I gave you ample opportunities to to remove the offending subject matter from your profile before you were banned. You didn't heed the warning, which is completely on you. I won't be removing the ban.

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on November 26, 2017, 01:25:11 pm
Happy New Year Ramy...bless your heart, you are so kind.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Eyecu on November 26, 2017, 01:35:19 pm
I have removed Ramy's post, 1 this forum is not to bitch about being kicked from a room. 2 there is absolutely no reason for calling people names. This has been said on buzzen before many times. BSR's are user created rooms and as such can kick ban whoever they want for whatever reason they want. If you don't like it don't chat in that room. I see a post like that again and it will be removed and the user restricted from posting on this forum. We do not wish to restrict things, but at the same time we have rules you agree to when signing up for an account on buzzen we expect you to abide by.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: syloxRANDALL on November 27, 2017, 02:20:39 am
Eyecu is absolutely correct. It is easy, obey the rules. This forum is for the promoting of rooms, not a place to vent grievances. As I have stated before if you are banned or booted you are a chat criminal and should, and are punished. OM is a wonderful room, I visit occasionally, and are made to feel most welcome, as such I reciprocate, this is a  win win situation.

Take the words of the great Moolash Sastri, "he or she that drives the wedge prepare to run".

Wisdom right there.

Ever so delirious .


Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: DriftyAlison0 on November 27, 2017, 08:35:24 pm
I love chatting in the Open minded chatroom. I have taken a break from chatting and now is back.

So glad to have checked out open minded

Also people, how hard is it to follow rules?

Kiddie porn shit does not need to be here. Go do your sick shit somewhere else.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: FLY Guy on November 28, 2017, 12:11:46 pm
Drifty, you ask how hard is it to follow rules ? It's pretty easy, if the rules are posted and the hosts follow them. In my experience with OM, all of the hosts would not follow their own rules - especially if it were inconvenient to them or to one of their 'friends'. I have no problem with being banned from OM, even though I was never told why I was banned. It's the hosts' room, they can do what they want. But don't try to pretty it up with assertions that people are banned from OM for 'not following the rules'.

And incidentally, I'm sure I was banned for the simple reason that I pointed out to the hosts that they didn't follow their own rules, and consequently I refused to talk to the hosts.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Open_Minded on November 28, 2017, 03:23:26 pm
Fly, obviously you don't follow rules either...Eyecu said this forum was for promoting rooms, not bashing them.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ★CоώвоӱsҒẫη★ on November 28, 2017, 04:17:28 pm
Drifty, you ask how hard is it to follow rules ? It's pretty easy, if the rules are posted and the hosts follow them. In my experience with OM, all of the hosts would not follow their own rules - especially if it were inconvenient to them or to one of their 'friends'. I have no problem with being banned from OM, even though I was never told why I was banned. It's the hosts' room, they can do what they want. But don't try to pretty it up with assertions that people are banned from OM for 'not following the rules'.

And incidentally, I'm sure I was banned for the simple reason that I pointed out to the hosts that they didn't follow their own rules, and consequently I refused to talk to the hosts.

People are people and make mistakes ... we all have inconsistencies, it happens, but the management are working to make OM a fun and fair place to chat for all. Of course the only people that ever have anything to say like the above statement are from people like Fly who have been banned. And trust me Fly, which you probably don't lol, you were NOT banned just for pointing out some hosts were not following the rules. If that had been the case, the host(s) in question would of been talked to in private and the mistake would of been pointed out and we would not have the same issue going forward. You WERE banned for other very legitimate reasons.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Open_Minded on November 28, 2017, 10:10:08 pm
Eyecu......................can you remove this or at the least stop any comments on's like beating a dead horse.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: FLY Guy on November 29, 2017, 01:15:55 am
Open Minded,

" Fly, obviously you don't follow rules either...Eyecu said this forum was for promoting rooms, not bashing them. "

Perhaps you should address your remarks to DriftyAlison, who brought up the issue of 'following the rules'. I simply responded to their post. And, if i had wanted to 'bash the room' I would not have remarked and agreed about the room owners having the right to ban anyone anytime they wish.

Instead, you choose to frame your post in such a way as to polarize and inflame - not to promote your room.

This forum is titled 'Open Mind' - not 'Promoting Chat Rooms' and not 'Promoting Open Mind'. Perhaps you should clarify your 'rules' so that people can actually follow them.

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: jeffrey dahmer on November 29, 2017, 07:44:21 am
Be quiet Flypaper. Nobody reads your endless rants. Newsflash: you are not nearly as intelligent, witty or charming as you think. In fact, your personality is pretty much the same as a wet paper bag

And buy a razor.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: ńaughty ģurl© on November 29, 2017, 09:35:53 am
Reindeer FLY❅, it was I, who made that post...and the room rules are posted in the Open Minded forum, which anyone can access. Furthermore, she was not bashing the room, she was saying she enjoyed her chat experience.
Now, I could go on and on and trade insults with you...but, why bother...obviously you are bitter about being banned, and that is absolutely your right.
Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: SippinOnChinAndJuice on November 29, 2017, 01:21:32 pm
All I ask if you come by to visit, is to keep it civil,if you have issues with any chatters,please use ignore,please do not argue with the host,and remember that the Buzzen staff[si do quite a bit to keep this site open,and all though,they have a site for donations, Buzzen is free,so the least we can do is to show our gratitude to Buzzen by not trash talking the owners or the staff...................and pray that they keep Wes busy,so he doesn't get bored and tear something
We just want you to come in and have a good time...............hope to see you there.
Regards to all

I had a great time getting banned for saying hi !!!!!

Thanks for the giggles sir !!!

Title: Re: Open Minded.
Post by: Eyecu on November 29, 2017, 02:01:36 pm
This topic has been locked since users can't seem to stop posting about being kicked. If you have a problem with the staff of open minded join their forum and discuss the issues there not here. ( Again This forum is for a Room Owner to promote their rooms, not the discuss every kick that happens in a room.

I put a warning up and it still wasn't followed. As such no more posts to this thread will be accepted and we will be reviewing the forum setup as we have enough to do then monitor this forum for constant whinning.