Buzzen Forum
User Forum => Contact BSR Room Owner => Topic started by: A_Weekend_At_RuthÅ› on February 07, 2019, 07:54:23 pm
While minding my business as i normally do and surfing the web I went back to my open chat window only to see i had been banned for 24 hours and i never chatted or said a word in Open chat . So I was wondering if the owner of this room could offer an explanation
Mr Smith.....maybe the problem is that you never said a word? Lurking is suspect...especially in political chat....
good post like it
Don't worry about it. This room isn't really a "Political Chat Room". It is a room full of nasty people and if you don't agree with them, they call you a racist, a bigot, homophobe, and any other hateful name they can come up with. I have reported these people many times now, and the board admin just ignores it. They get paid by the owners of the room and as long as they get their money, they don't care how the room is run.
Well as shitty as it may seem, if you are paying to have your own room here you are allowed to run it any way you see fit. You get to set the rules, you get to decide who and who does not get to chat their because it is your room. Only thing you have to do is make sure you are abiding by Buzzen's ToU/ToS etc. No different than your home, you own it, you get to decide who stays and who goes and you don't need to give anyone an explanation.
Lurker's in chat rooms !!!!! OMG ...i never knew ;D
It doesn't matter Pinche .... they don't even need a reason. It is their room, they own it. If I don't want you in my house I am kicking your ass out no matter what you say or how you act, good or bad. They have every right to show anyone the door they feel like even if it doesn't seem fair. The only people with "rights" in a chat room are those that own it, noone else.
Hey Pinche?
Even a box of puppies stops whining after six weeks. Grow up, you might make a decent adult someday.
It doesn't matter Pinche .... they don't even need a reason. It is their room, they own it. If I don't want you in my house I am kicking your ass out no matter what you say or how you act, good or bad. They have every right to show anyone the door they feel like even if it doesn't seem fair. The only people with "rights" in a chat room are those who own it, no one else.
EXACTLY! I think that is just about what I said. Maybe you didn't understand what I said. IDC!!!
life is like a box of chocolates you never know what youre gonna get