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♔L̷a̷d̷y̷D̷i̷💜's Profile

Current Mood: Tired
♔L̷a̷d̷y̷D̷i̷💜 (Diana , DJ DIamond)
Female - Houston, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Updated: 4 days ago 5:22:53 pm Viewed 39,283 times Likes 125

Just a crazy rockin latina from Houston, Tx. 

 I enjoy spending time with my little "critters" my furbabies. 

I love live music and concerts. 

Enjoy being a DJ for 🖤Galaxy Radio! 🖤See schedule below!

My Yankee Baseball (GO YANKEES!!)  

I love halloween!  🖤

My grandbaby is my world and he has filled so much love in my heart!  

My Furbabies and my sweet new babies Lily Munster🖤and Mancha!🖤

My life is full of love!


ৎ୭   DJ DIᥲຕoᥒᑯ ৎ୭ 

Mondays 11p est - Mellow Monday! 

Thursday 12am est -  Classic Country!

Saturday 12 am est  "Dance Party" Saturdays! 







Christian "Nodal" ♥️




Be a diamond that is precious and rare  not like a stone

that is found everywhere ;)







