Normally I and Buzzen would not do this in public, but at this point I am absolutely sick of the bitching about images. Buzzen is the only IRCWx network that you can have a photo album of pictures, which use a lot of space on the server, a server that has to be paid for every month. Buzzen actually uses three different servers to run different parts of the chat. This all cost money every month. Where does the funds come from well 1 is the advertising and in order to have that advertising they have placed restrictions on what is allowed in the public site meaning blogs, photos, profiles, anything that can be viewed on the main website. Don't agree with that...well too bad don't upload images it's that simple. If the ad revenue doesn't cover the monthly costs guess what I have to pay the difference out of my own pocket. I do this because I feel people need a clean fun place to chat. The Buzzen staff volunteer countless hours every week to try and provide that, and what do they get. People bitching that they are harassing and bullying them for enforcing Buzzen's Policies.
Since I took over running the servers, today is the first time we have not had any infractions from googles content policy. This is due to the fact that the volunteers all work to make sure we keep a revenue source to provide the services we do. So if they remove a pic, they remove a pic. Once you upload it it is on my server and they have been given authority to deem what is acceptable according to the policy and what isn't. At the end of the day Buzzen has the right to remove any content they deem period.
Now to GKBK's Post:
First: You went into HelpDek, and right off the bat you were not respectful to the staff you jumped right on them about your images and wanting to file a complaint. When it was attempted to explain to you they were removed for violating the image policy you argued and would not listen and just wanted to file a complaint. The only thing the staff member said to you that wasn't directly linked to the image policy is that Buzzen is staffed by volunteers, and we provide a free service, both of which are true. During your whole interaction with the staff member you took on the attitude of i didn't do anything and i see far worse. Guess what Buzzen photo albums have over 36,000 images right this moment. Do you think the few volunteers can see everything. No we can't. we try our hardest to keep on top of everything but some things do slip through. And then to turn around and say i see far worse on Buzzen. Well la-di-da, Your images were removed for violating the policy deal with it, and stop acting like a 5 year old "but they did it too"
Second: your first post was removed due to the fact it was bullshit. YOU DID NOT REMOVE THE IMAGES, BUZZEN DID. And then you turned around and reuploaded the images and they were removed again. Guess what they weren't allowed the first time what makes you think they would be allowed the second time. Normally we would server ban you for 7 days for this infraction only because you obviously didn't learn the first time. The image policy is right there when you upload a damn photo.
Thrid: Where does it say the room owner must reply to you on anything. Just like any other chatter they have the choice of whom they talk to and whom they don't This forum was put into place to maybe get a user an answer since Buzzen does not get involved in user created room bans nor do we monitor them.
Forth: you made a comment about us allowing racism. Well this is just down right absurd, if Buzzen staff see any type of racism ( that Bot_Confucius doesn't pick up we will take action. If someone reports racism with a screenshort or some form of proof that isn't easily editable ie copy/paste, we will take action. Do we catch we are only human and have lives. We do not sit at the computer 24/7 watching rooms and waiting to pounce on every little infraction. The volunteers also like to just be chatters and chat with others.
As for your ban in Open Minded, well I know for a fact Open Minded does not tolerate any kind of bashing of Buzzen. You left help desk and went back to that room and started bashing, So maybe that is why you were banned.
I could care less what your opinion of me or the staff are. But enough is enough, you make a complaint in helpdesk, go back into a room and continue bitching cause you didnt' like the response, now two posts and a support ticket. All cause you are being bullied and harassed by staff when all they did was enforce Buzzen's content policy...