Although the book was great, the film set the tone for the Hollywood promise.
Where it failed completely in future films.
The movie/book, Patriot Games by Tom Clancy, with Harrison Ford as the lead and one of my favourite actress's Anne Archer, plus it had the ever brilliant James Earl Jones as the ailing head of the CIA, a classic performance.
It is a great movie, better than the book, debatable as the book has more history, some of which is wrong, but still debatable.
To me however, the movie is better than the book.
In my humble opinion, the Clancy movies that followed, sucked.
They fecked up the promise of great characterisation by Ford, Archer and Jones.
They were perfect for the books.
Yet they ruined the franchise after that.
I wont even touch Clancy's Hunt for Red October, that film is wrong on so many levels.