Nothing is wasted when hard work is placed as a priority.
You have done amazingly to bring chat back to life with Sports Bar and in general with Buzzen and Relay-Radio. It takes a village to do everything, have your back, keep fresh ideas, recreate things when they no longer work, but it takes a great leader to do that well, and you are such person.
I have admiration for all you do, mostly because when you could easily give up, when people attack your person, when people treat you like a second hand citizen, when life happens, when things aren't always great, you choose to keep pushing forward, and that is to be admired and commended.
I am here for now, not the entire year, but giving every bit of me to the main goal, to keep Buzzen & Relay-Radio going stronger than ever.
Here's to the second year, which I will be part of, to many more wonderful memories, friendships of new and old chatters, and to all the more success. Happy 1 year anniversary!!!