How do I modify your input to work like what I posted? I tried replacing it, but it didn't work. Thoughts?
on *:INPUT:#: {
if ($Left($1, 1) != /) {
var %Text = $Replacexcs($Regsubex($1-, /^([a-z])|\b(i)\b/g, $Upper(\t)), doesnt, doesn't, couldnt, couldn't, wouldnt, wouldn't, shouldnt, shouldn't, didnt, didn't, isnt, isn't, theyll, they'll, wasnt, wasn't, havent, haven't, dont, don't, thats, that's, cant, can't)
on *:INPUT:?: {
if ($Left($1, 1) != /) {
if ($target ison $hget(mc_temp,ircWxwhisper. [ $+ [ $target ] ])) {
if ($hget(mc_temp,ircWxwhisperaccept. [ $+ [ $target ] ])) {
.raw data $hget(mc_temp,ircWxwhisper. [ $+ [ $target ] ]) $target CMWHISP :WHISPACCEPTED
hdel mc_temp ircWxwhisperaccept. [ $+ [ $target ] ]
echo -130 $target $stime($target) 3You have accepted a whisper invitation from $target on $hget(mc_temp,ircWxwhisper. [ $+ [ $target ] ]) $+ $chr(160)
.raw WHISPER $hget(mc_temp,ircWxwhisper. [ $+ [ $target ] ]) $target $mycolorsend($1-)
else { echo -i12 $target $stime($target) 4User is not currently in $hget(mc_temp,ircWxwhisper. [ $+ [ $target ] ]) | halt }
var %ftext = $checkemots($checkfont($mycolorsend($1-)))
echo -i12 $target $stime($target) $+(,$me,,:) $urlcol($checkemots(%ftext)) $+ $chr(160)