You and I have had a very adult conversation regarding no politics in the room, one of the very few rules we do have, repeatedly; we have asked you to stop talking politics while in our room, to which you have failed time and again to adhere to.
Our hosts do not abuse their power, they have direct orders to do the same to you and or anyone else violating such rules. We run a room that is friendly and we try to make it drama free.
Furthermore, the room is a privately owned room, which means the rules that are set by the owner are the ones that follow, and though we do fall under buzzen, we have the right to make the rules and apply these as we see fit.
The solution to your problem is simple, adhere to the rule(s), find a new chat room of your pleasure, may I suggest Politicts Room, and or go to our room without complaint.
I hope this answer is suffcient to clear your concerns.