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Group: Gorean Dreams

chores explained

Started by kamaria 3 Moons, 2023-10-20 6:48:12 pm
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Last Active: 2025-02-03 4:29:29 am
Posted 2023-10-20 6:48:12 pm

***Chores are to be done by slaves no matter their status being personally Owned or not. Each slave is to do two chores a week, they are to be done in the room as r/p and then posted to the appropriate place in message board. Every slave should check the chore boards to see what chores have been done already before starting a chore. Do not wait to be told what chores need doing, take the initiative and look for yourself. Following is a list of some of the more common chores. you may do at least one chore from this list every week, but if you have an idea for another feel free to do as your second choice for the week. Just remember when doing chores be descriptive and have fun. This is great practice for your training.***

Breads are made when needed: ingred. flour, sugar, sa-tarna grains, and salt, butter, and bosk milk. Mix all ingredients then roll out into ball shapes, flattening and place on baking pans, cover and set in oven over fires..keep an eye on them so they don't burn. Same recipe for black-bread, only using dark grains instead.

Blackwyne: made as needed. Clean the kettle, then collect fresh beans from the tin in the serving wagon, place them in a straining cloth, crush the beans with a big stone, tying the cloth up into a pouch with binding fiber. Add to the kettle of fresh water and put on the fire to brew.

Animals: tended to, fed and watered as well as bosk milked and vulo eggs collected.

Furs: Furs are to be kept clean. They should be washed once a week, but should be beaten of dust and brushed everyday. There should never be a dirty fur for a Free to sit on

The Kitchen: The kitchen is to be kept clean at all times. All dishes should be done, doesn’t look good for visitors to come and see dirty dishes around. When washing and drying dishes check for flaws, if any are found discard of the dish immediately. The floor is to be swept and mopped, and counters kept clean.

The Pantry and cold room: Keep check on supplies. Keep the stock rotated, Discard any spoiled foods from cold room into slop bucket and feed to animals.

The Chambers: All Free Chambers are to be cleaned, fresh linens once a week. Floors are to be swept and mopped. Fresh flowers are to be placed in a vase on the nightstand.

Main Room: Is to be kept clean at all times, pick up and dishes that have been left and take to kitchen for cleaning. Dust all the furniture with clean cloth, sweep and mop floors.

Hearth: The hearth needs to be completely cleaned out once a week. Get steel bucket from storage shed and scoop out any debris in hearth into bucket then discard at the rubbish pile behind shed. Then set the hearth back up with new wood and get firing going. Make sure the wood bin is full of wood also.

Laundry: laundry should be done at least twice a week unless needed more frequently. Boil water in a kettle on the fire, then add cool water as needed adding soap flakes, have a lukewarm bucket of water for rinsing, then squeeze out excess water before hanging to dry on the line strung.

Raking Dance Pit: Check the sand pit for anything that may harm feet. Inspect the pole to make sure it is smooth and free of splinters. Oil and polish the pole.

Tending Gardens: Both vegetable and flower gardens need to be tended to once a week. Pick weeds and water as needed. Gather what ever vegetables are ready to be picked and harvested.

Making Butter: Skim off the cream from the milk, pour it into the butter churn and then pump the handle up and down, this will move the paddle inside the churn and make butter, you will feel the mixture become thick and it will be harder to move the handle, eventually you will feel a ball of butter inside the churn. Take the butter and press it into a mold and put in the cold room.

Making Cheese: The first step in cheese making is to let the milk sit to warm to room temperature and leave undisturbed until a solid curd is formed. The curd must then be drained through a clean rep cloth to remove all the whey. The cheese can then be molded and shaped for storage, salt can be added at this time. Wrap the cheese in another clean rep cloth and hang to dry in the pantry.

Refilling lamps: There are lamps around the Home, they should be kept full at all times. The extra oil is kept in the pantry. Also each Chamber has a lamp that needs to be kept filled.

Making candles: Take animal fat, boil it down in a kettle and add lamp oil (can use scented oils and/or colorings) till it is evenly mixed with the fat. Let it cool some and then pour into molds of various shapes and sizes setting the wick in the center. Hold wick in place with the end of the wick bent over a stick which is laying across the top of the mold. Set aside to harden.

Making soap: Animal fat mixed with water in a kettle, adding a lil bit of lye crystals. Be careful with the lye. Too much will cause the mixture to boil out of control and be harmful. Take a stick and stir the mix to determine consistency. If the liquid is too watery, you added to much lye... if it's too sticky too much water. The perfect consistency is like a thick batter mixture. Pour into special soap trays or molds and let cool. (For scented or colored soaps use flower water or add a lil scented oil and or fruit or dyes.)

Med kits: Make sure med kits are always fully stocked. Should have at least 10 kanda leaves in a small pouch. A jar of kanda salve, make sure there are at least 6 clean rep cloths, at least 10 rolled up bandages. Suture kit, containing; a packet with 10 pre-threaded suturing needles. A flask of diluted paga for cleaning and a flask of full strength paga for pain relief.

Making kanda salve: Grind the kanda until fine then boil the kanda in water with bosk lard until the mixture thickens slightly; pour into small vials(jars), placing a cloth over the opening of the jar/vial to strain out any bits of the leaves; allow to cool and thicken(harden). Store most of the vials in the pantry.

Making bandages: Find rags in good shape (don't use the silk ones), wash them, then rip them into long strips before boiling them to sterilize them,dry them and then roll them up and store them in medical bags in the pantry.

Cleaning game: Remove the horns or antlers and put them in the storage wagon for later. Seek permission to use a knife, then proceed to skin the animal carefully, keeping the hide in one piece. Start by hanging the animal by its back legs. Cut up and through the hide on the inside of the hind legs. Make a circular cut around the joint of each leg. With the sharp point and blade of a knife, skin out the hindquarters. Saw off the hind legs below the joints. Slice down the belly towards the neck. Grab the hide and pull-much of it will peel right off. In spots where the hide sticks, skin with the knife. Cut off the tail. Cut along the insides of the front legs and skin them out. Pull and skin the hide down over the animals head. Store the hide in the storage shed to be cured. The bladders are to be saved to make botas. Boil them in water, then leave to dry. The meat can then be cut into roasts, steaks, etc., and stored in the cold room.

Curing skins: Clean them of any fleshy debris by scraping with a sharp rock or knife after getting permission. Then stake them out in the sun for a couple of days. Once completely dried rub the hide with a stick or rock until it is soft and smooth. With other hides, you remove the fur by scraping it away with a shell or knife after getting permission then rub both sides until soft and smooth. Then hang the hides in the storage shed until they are needed for leather work.

Making botas: Botas are made from animal bladders. They are stored in the storage shed and should already have been sterilized. Rub the surface carefully with a rock or blunt stick until it is soft and pliable. Be careful not to rip the skin as you work. A horned stopper or a cork will need to be carved as well. Get permission to use a knife to carve with. This will be used to fit in the opening to keep the botas from spilling. A leather strap for hanging upon hooks needs to be sewn upon it as well. The bota can then be decorated with dyes or paints.

Making Mead: In a large kettle pour 4 quarts of honey, 2 cups of yellow sugar, and 2 gallons of fresh clean water. Bring to a slow boil. Stirring constantly, letting it boil for about 20 mins. then remove carefully from the heat. Add 1 yeast cake and 1 jar of mead spices. Stir in 3 gallons chilled clean water and two pitchers of tospit juice. Ladle the mixture into the cask, making sure to leave the tap hole open then place the cask in the back of the storage shed for at least 3 months to ferment.

Making slavewine: First, you must gather sip root. Then steep it in kalana for a long time. Make sure not to use the better kalana for this. Stir often and watch it carefully so it does not burn. It is then cooled and stored in botas or bottles. Make sure to clearly mark what it is and store in the pantry.

Making kalana or paga: In a barrel that has been cut in half, place a basket of kalana fruit. Bring a bucket full of water to the barrel to wash your feet. Stepping in the barrel, crush the fruit with your feet, after all the fruit is crushed, step out rinsing your feet. Now the fruit needs to be strained through rep-cloths. After it's all strained, add some yeast and sugar. One cake of yeast and 3 cups of sugar per basket of fruit. Stir slowly till all the yeast is dissolved. Pour the juice into a wine barrel in the back of the storage wagon. After it ferments for about a month or so, ladle it into bottles, add a cork and seal with wax. Kalana is made from the fruit of the kalana, paga comes from grain, and sul paga is made from sul and is not made here. A bottle or two of sul paga is kept on hand for visitors. Basically the processes for making all three are similar. All of these are added to some sugar and allowed to ferment for a month or so.