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Group: Gorean Dreams

making bread

Started by kamaria 3 Moons, 2024-04-29 10:01:14 pm
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Last Active: 2025-02-03 4:29:29 am
Posted 2024-04-29 10:01:14 pm

[08:39p] kamaria 3 Moons crawls out of my kennel qnd stand up to my full height in the h allway outside, walks down the hall on silent feet her breath caught in her throat as strides into the main hall, moving with with a fastly beating heart she goes into the kitchen, walks on her toes as she takes a deep breath and smell the delicious aromas premeating in the room, moves to the sink filling it ith soapy water she washes her hands,
[08:43p] kamaria 3 Moons dries them on a piece of rep cloth and puts it in a basket of dirty linen, she goes to t he counter where the shelves are stacked above them with utensils she looks under the counter and with a firm hand she takes up a large bowl,places it on the prep table and goes off to the cold room, aa small hand trembles slightly as he tugs open the door the chill air caressing her flesh as she steps inside, goes and grabs a pitcher of bosk milk, and a thing of butter that has been freshly churned this day
[08:45p] kamaria 3 Moons taking the two items goes back out into the kitchen placing the milk and butter on the prep table, the goes to the food storage area and gets sa tarna flour, a container of sugar some sa tarna grains dark for dark bread as well gets the cartian of saklt and carfries them all bakc to the prep table
[08:49p] kamaria 3 Moons puts everrything on the tbale then measures out the right amount of flour, the sa tarna grains the sugar and salt and mixes theem well, then places the butter and bosk milk into the bowl and with a small set of hands begins to mix it all together, pours it out on to the floured surface and rolls the dark bread into loafs of balls and flatens each out goes back and mixes up a new batch to make white flour,
[08:51p] kamaria 3 Moons mixing everything togther well she makes the balls thern flattens the new bread and places it on a cooking pan and puts them into the oven where she sits and straightens out t he room, while she watches the bread ruise and b rown once all are done she places them on the counter
[08:52p] kamaria 3 Moons she covers them with with severakl rep cloths to keep them fresh as they cool for the morning breakfast
[08:56p] › kamaria 3 Moons19866 has joined the conversation.