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Group: Gorean Dreams

making breakfast

Started by kamaria 3 Moons, 2024-04-30 5:34:41 am
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Last Active: 2025-02-03 4:29:29 am
Posted 2024-04-30 5:34:41 am
[03:59a] kamaria 3 Moons dark eyes open into the gloom of my kennel, i stretch and yawn and bring myself to life, i can still smell the larma scented soap and shampoo i used last night the aroma brings a smile to soft ruby red lips, i sit up the sheet draping across my lap as i push it aside a nd rise and to my feet, as i turn up the oil lamp my eyes fall upon my brush on the dresser and i pick it up and begin to send the brush through the long wavy curls as they unfold down my back
[04:04a] kamaria 3 Moons i stand before a small mirror grooming my long locks as i begin to search for a fresh set of silks red of course, i put them on covering my torso from shoulders to hip, once done with my morning rituals i crawl out of my kennel and head down the hall to the main kitchen slipping inside i head to the back door after grabbing an egg basket, tugs at the back door swinging it open i head down the dimly lighted, path the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon
[04:07a] kamaria 3 Moons : a soft smile plays across m ylips as i see the rising sun and feel the soothing warm breeze that flutters the hem of silks, i stroll down the path to the vulo coops, i spy the coop and the fence surrounding it with a deft hand i flip the lock on the gate and let myself inside.
[04:11a] kamaria 3 Moons a soft smile plays across m ylips as i see the rising sun and feel the soothing warm breeze that flutters the hem of silks, i stroll down the path to the vulo coops, i spy the coop and the fence surrounding it with a deft hand i flip the lock on the gate and let myself inside, just before4 entering i stop at the barn and get a bag of vuilo feed, and as i sit down down the empty basket i begin clucking  
[04:21a] kamaria 3 Moons laughs as i watch as the vulo come storming out of the pen bound and determined to devour the feed faster then i can throw it down, once done i return the feed to the barn then return to the coop and grab my basket and step inside in the vulo coop, searching through the various nests and taking out the still warm vulp eggs from the nest, moving down the aisle i gather all the vulp eggs that will fit in the basket gathering them for breakfast


[04:27a] kamaria 3 Moons once having gathered up all the eggs and fed and watered the vulop i head back up the path the leads to the kitchen door which i push oopen and step inside placing the basket on the prep table, i quickly wash all the eggs so i can cook them after washing and drying my hands i get to work, i get down a large bowl and place it on the table, i go to the cold room and slipping inside the cool breeze tantalizes my soft flesh as i gather up severl suls a couple of onions, a pepper, and a pitcher of bosk milk
[04:29a] kamaria 3 Moons takes them all tot he table an d begins by peeling and dicing the suls and onion, and pepper then placing them in a greased frying pan i cook them til done, lays it aside, gets the vulo eggs and cracks each open throwing out the shells in the waiting garbage,
[04:32a] kamaria 3 Moons uses a whisk on the eggs then adds a bit of milk salt and pepper and mixes it well together, once well mixed i head back to the stove and pour the egg mixture into the fried suls and mix them throughlybefore cooking them to perfection pours the mixture once cooked into waiting platters for the Free to enjoy, notices that someone made fresh black wine so i don't have to do that