Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

Public commenting now allowed

2013-12-03 4:23:21 pm

After getting input from our users we have decided to make commenting a public feature by default. This means you can comment on blogs and pictures of other users even if you are not on their friends list. If you own the account you have the option to make commenting friends only. Private albums and blog posts still will be hidden from people not on your friends list even if you do not check private comments. We hope this new feature will allow our users to interact in a more public manner. Please remember the default setting for comments is Public, but you can change them to Private (friends only) at any time. More updates to come. :D

2014-01-08 2:23:18 am
is buzzen down or is it my comp its taking them long enough to fix it
2015-12-29 11:55:29 am
Suggestion ....ever consider selling Buzzen labeled coffee mugs, to help raise some $ 's for Buzzen ......very informal poll reveals some ppl like that idea.
2016-01-09 12:22:47 pm
Good suggestion. I'll pass it on to the owner when i talk to him.