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Website messaging system now open to users not on your friend list

2014-01-09 2:59:49 pm

By default the website messaging system is now open to all users to send messages. You can send a message to any user by visiting their profile page and clicking on the "Message" link. This was done to make it easier to find and make friends here on buzzen. We have also added a privacy option for those that wish to continue to only allow users on your approved friends list to message you. If you wish to only allow approved friends to message you please log in and visit your profile editor located @ and check the box for "Only friends may send you private messages". As always your comments and ideas are welcome. We are always looking to improve Buzzen for our users.

2014-06-20 12:31:58 am
The online user count that used to be on the main page? If so yes we can add that in somewhere.