Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

Roomlist Updates

2015-10-02 12:38:18 pm

We have done a little cosmetic surgery to our roomlist page. Thanks to our favorite chatter Danger we found a bug that allowed users to insert html into their topic. This has been fixed. We have also changed the listing of rooms. Room list now appears in order of Buzzen Supported Rooms first. Then User Created Rooms. They are sorted by number of users from highest to lowest. We have also removed the feature that hid rooms with 0 users. On a side note Admin Mohamed updated all the server software. We hope this eliminates the problems we've been having with downtime on the main website. To "spice" up the Halloween season we have added a pumpkin button to webchat. This will scroll pumpkins all over the screen. Be sure to check ou the Halloween webchat theme too!

2016-03-19 10:40:01 pm
2016-05-19 12:39:12 pm
try cleaning cache and cookies. also try another browser to rule out a specific browser issue.
2016-05-19 1:46:58 pm
great, glad you got back in.