Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

Search blogs now available

2015-12-19 3:54:49 pm

We have added a search blogs feature. This will allow you to use search terms to find blogs of interest. At the moment it searches for the terms in the title of the blogs.

2016-01-21 1:46:01 am
Thanks for the well wishes, y'all. PS Error... I like the announcement banner in the center of the front page between the lists of rooms.... Very eye catching. Well done. Sometimes, simple layout does the trick, eh?
2016-02-16 3:44:58 pm
Thanks for letting us know Ruff_Edges
2016-02-16 9:18:44 pm
OMG.... my poor Cos! When it rains it poors. If anyone sees her before I do, tell her I'm looking for her.