Perhaps group and move BSR's to a different location...such as directly under "Help Desk" and "The Lobby" Have a listing...Buzzen Supported Rooms..and then list them so they are the first chat room seen upon entering the chatroom listings?
@SMOOTHIE As far as I know we have defined BSR (Buzzen Supported Room) in only 1 way @ which is a room created by users but is fully supported by highly trained Buzzen Staff. We will add your idea Tessa.
We closed the BSR Owner room for several reasons. It wasn't being used much. We need BSR owners to go to helpdesk so that all requests/issues are logged. Not sure what purpose the room would serve. What are your thoughts on what it would be useful for?
All rooms should provide bans against illegal acts. Stalking, menacing, bullying, life threats, etc. by self-proclaimed bullies, online gangs and hookers is illegal and certainly disruptive to general population rooms like 40s2. Sexual role play and solicitation should be limited to rooms created for those activities and not displayed openly in rooms, where young people often wander in. Harassing soldiers, disabled people or those with cancer should flat out not be tolerated anywhere.
Addition: Perhaps Adult section that caters to these folks should be separated from general population rooms, so those interested in that activity don't have to search it out in general rooms. Private sections with a menu of deviance for example. Then enforce the rules in the rooms and go after those offending them.
Private rooms are for the most part in charge of how the room is run. What rules are allowed. The only exceptions are things that violate our terms of use or code of conduct ..
The problem with the bots, from what I hear, and why I don't have one in Lydius, is because they can be, if you are savvy enough, hacked and your room taken over. Also, last time I asked the staff, they do not support them. If a staff member can tell me otherwise, I would probably change course, but I don't think it needs to be an automatic thing.
Buzzen staff can't help you with 3rd party clients (bots). They are not officially supported by Buzzen because they don't make them. When you own a BSR you can always ask staff to do anything you need done for your room. We are working to add more features for superowners to better control their rooms without needing staff. We are also trying to set up a secure bot system that you can use for your BSR. As for using bots, there are alot of good ones that are 100% safe to use.
My room is a BSR room because I donated to Buzzen. However there are some rooms that have been set up as gold hammer rooms that have not donated and I find this disturbing as they are listed with gold hammers. I feel if they don't donate for their rooms, then they should not have gold hammers and be a temporary room. This would benefit the folks who did donate for their rooms. Thanks for hearing me out.
It is true there are a few rooms that did not donate but it's less than 5. The rooms were given as a reward for something that person did to help buzzen. We don't give a room just because we like a person. Never have and never will. We take BSR's very seriously. Which I thought I was trying to prove by asking for your ideas as BSR owners to better promote your rooms but most of you seem to want to discuss other subjects. We are just trying to help you!
If we can't stay on topic I'm just going to delete the thread and try to think up ideas on my own. If you have an idea or complaint other than this topic you are always welcome and encouraged to visit the helpdesk or submit a help ticket which myself or other staff will happily address. I welcome everyone's ideas on how to better "PROMOTE" BSR rooms.
Error, I do appreciate your wanting to help BSR owners. It might be nice if the staff visited the BSR rooms from time to time we would welcome them with open arms. If a room is having a special event, it would be nice if it could be posted in all th
e rooms like you do with staff birthdays. As an owner I have found the staff to be very accommodating to all my needs. They have always been very professional. Thanks Error for your efforts.
What about a "special appearance" by a Room Moderator, who leads a specific topic on a given night. You could banner that on the home page and global broadcast. That would give heads up to other rooms and what they are about?
If you have a special event please visit the helpdesk and let them know. They will pass on the information to the staff members involved with the facebook postings. We can do server broadcasts as needed too. Great Suggestion! Some BSR owners do not want staff in their room period ( hard to believe but true ). We could set up some ask staff anything night in your room. Myself or another senior staff member could come into your room and answer any questions your room has.
I also want to start putting a BSR spotlight on the main page of buzzen. BSR owner would be required to submit their room for the spotlight including information on what their room is about. Why people should come visit. When it's the most active etc etc. Include a custom image like we do on facebook or u can request we do one. ( just an idea )
We are willing to do anything we can to help BSR owners. We are a small staff but we work hard. We don't own Buzzen. We are mostly just chatters the same as you. We are just trying to make Buzzen the best place for all that use it.
superowners to better control their rooms would be nice ..has had a BSR room maybe since msn day we use to have a script idle in the rooms but that went away , not saying we need that back just need a promotion on things we are limit to do For instance get rid of profile with no gender ...Thanks
One thing I think would be helpful, is to allow BSR Superowners to have the ability to upgrade hammers without needing (despite as much as I like seeing them) to go to the help desk. Can we do this?
We are still looking into audio and video features but those features will have to be something the owner would have to address. We used to have a group of staff members that visited rooms but sadly several of the rooms didn't like staff visiting their room unless they were asked to. BSR owners are welcome to come to helpdesk and ask for a staff member to come in or let us know about any special events your room is having.
i love talking with people from around the planet. However....Nobody is using chat anymore it's almost a relic/throwback from the 90's. How can "chat" be resurrected to compete with "social media" like facebook/etc which takes the largest chunk of attention nowadays?
Chat networks are not really in competition with social media. Social media is about a circle of friends, most of whom you know. You aren't really going to interact with people outside your circle. Chat like Buzzen allows you the chance to meet and communicate with people outside of your normal circles. Social Media circles are full of family and friends. In chat you might experiment or interact in ways that you don't necessarily wish your everyday circle to see.
Buzzen will never have the amount of people of a msn or facebook. That isn't even the goal of Buzzen. We would just like to continue to have a place for people and groups of people to enjoy chat. We do hope to generate some growth however because having new people find us and join in will only be more entertaining for us all. We have lots of things we are doing but we also need the help of our users to help promote us and try to introduce chat to other ppl.
if buzzen links with social media .. would be a bonus. for traffic/and relevancy... chat is early 90's tech.. nobody chats anymore - buzzen should link up with social media.
We have been trying to hook up with other social media. We put in a simple facebook login/register option. There are a lot of sites that are just meetme type places with no chat other than private. We need our users to help us promote on those sites. As Buzzen staff we aren't allowed to "SPAM" buzzen in other places as we wouldn't want others spamming here. However if our users are members of social media and they feel the people in their circle would enjoy Buzzen please let them know.
Consider restoring the host function to rooms such as 40s2. Recent migration of various chatters from EB and OM has resulted in a loss of "quality chat," which - believe it or not - some people still value.
We have considered that but atm we don't have a host program large enough to deal with that issue. My suggestion would be for a group of good chatters from 40's2 get together and talk with staff about adding some hosts from the pool of 40s2 chatters that are willing to be trained and run the room according to buzzen rules.
Reply to err0r: Thank you for your response. I did host in Buzzen, eventually resigning that role after a disagreement with "management." Would consider returning to that role if Buzzen ever decides to reactivate the host function.
Could there ever be a more robust ignore function so you don't have to keep ignoring the same trolls again and again? How about an auto kick function once a majority of chattters have ignored a troll?
What if everyone employed common decency and common sense? Just make sure auto ignore still works, and if you ignore them under one name let any masks go on ignore as well. That way those who enjoy real conversation, can talk without being interrupted by attention seeking bullies, and the vulgar, jealous, controlling antics of those in the sex industry. Is it possible to ignore a person under all their masks? Just curious. I echo the frustration of the more mature chatters who just want to talk.
we are working on a way to make ignores set permanent. Auto kick by majority would just be abused by ppl using many accounts. Part of chat is being introduced to a wide variety of people. Sadly this does at times include people that we would rather not deal with. This isn't a Buzzen problem it's more of a society problem. My advice is to not waste a lot of energy focused on those type of people. Focus on the good ones. We will continue to improve and we appreciate all of your ideas.
Could not agree more. Give attention to those who deserve your respect. Thank you for all you are doing to make this venue what we oldies believe chat should be.... a safe and pleasant place to talk to people from all over the world. Yes, society has regressed. We owe our children so much more. It will take everyone to get on board with that to make any real changes. I'm starting with the woman in the mirror. Each effort toward peace is a step forward.
While society may be partially to blame for such individuals with varied interests and agendas whose only intent is to create chaos and to offend others, maybe its time to review the Buzzen code of conduct with better definitions of acceptable behaviour and guidelines in order to minimize this type of activity. Maybe a type of waiver that must be acknowledged and agreed upon similar to any software contract stating consequences if breached could be a solution.
a coc is just a document.. all it really asks of a person is to be decent and there will always be those that refuse to. No wording or set of rules will stop it. We add more laws to the books every year but it doesn't stop crime. The good people just have to accept that when you open yourself up to chatting to the world you get the good and the bad. We will always do our best to minimize the bad but it's open access chat. Only so much can be done.
Honestly , that is a very defeatist attitude. Yes the world has issues and certainly so does chat, but to just throw your hands up and pretend it does not exist is not part of the solution!! There will come a time that trolls will be legally liable for their conduct, its happening now in the courts. A few safeguards in place now may save a massive amount of headaches tomorrow !!
banning guests from rooms is pretty easy. superowners can use the commands in /? to ban unban guests as needed. I have never been a fan of guests but it can be helpful to allow them in some cases.
as i said before if your room doesn't want guests there is a simple feature that allows you to not have them. some rooms want to have guest features. all we can try to do is offer the option.
We are still looking into ideas on how to best handle underage chatters. When you say last updated is wrong can you be more specific? Is it off by a lot? An example would help.