Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

Popular Rooms List

2016-08-23 6:47:41 pm

We have had several complaints about our "Most Popular Rooms" list being filled with rooms using mostly fake fillers. The current policy is to list the rooms by amount of people but the room must be a BSR ( Buzzen Supported Room ). The Lobby being first as it's our only Buzzen Owned Room. Many of the most popular rooms now are using large amounts of fake fillers to get on the list. As they made a donation we have just let it be until now. This is unfair to the other "paying" users that actually have chatters in their room. The Most Popular Rooms list is supposed to help these rooms get more chatters.

We are in the process of changing the rules for Most Popular Rooms list. We will not be changing how the normal rooms list works. However, in the most popular room list we will begin filtering out rooms that are artificially  boosting their numbers with filler accounts. If you have a BSR and wish to have a chance at being on the Most Popular Rooms list you will have to do it fairly. We know all rooms have people that just idle. This is not the same as using fake fillers.

2017-03-28 11:00:43 pm
I love green tree frogs
2018-12-20 9:32:49 am
the whole thing is silly
2020-12-15 6:09:46 pm
hi ruphet123