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Caney's Blog

2015-09-22 8:34:32 am by Caney in category General
please share
2015-09-21 6:28:42 pm by Caney in category General
  whats new or not new.  Today I read an article on msn online news about our military allowing and assisting afghan police and other officials to kidnap and rape boys and girls.  This may be new to msn but I have heard about this for years.  Our troops being told to look the other way while hearing boys being raped by afghans on us military bases.  In our security...
2015-09-16 7:02:55 pm by Caney in category General
Way back in msn chat days I could hold a grudge for years.  Today I prefer to leave the past in the past and not listen to mean rumors.  How a chatters earns money or what choices they make in life is truely not my concern.  Chat provides a clean slate for us all and clean it should remain.  Chat is about living in the moment and sharing ones' daily activities or like Gor...
2015-09-12 10:11:20 pm by Caney in category General
Does Trump really dislike women?  I think perhaps he is an alpha male that is use to speaking his mind.  Barber shop fined for refusing to cut womans' hair. Is specializing in mens haircuts really being racist?  Should he be fined?  I think poc has gone beyond reason and civility.  Clinton deleted emails might be recovered.  I would not trust so called recovered...
2015-09-09 9:36:03 pm by Caney in category General
Some chatters make a room while others tear down a room.  One such ray of sunshine was greatly missed the last few days.  Upon her return my heart felt lighter.  Her smiles and her kindness was much missed and appreciated upon her return.  If only every room had such a delightful chatter present.  The chat server would be overflowing with chatters.  But how can a...
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