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AuraleePg's Blog

2023-11-12 5:51:12 pm by AuraleePg in category RolePlay
Boo ! 
2022-09-02 6:23:01 am by AuraleePg in category RolePlay
A question or sometimes statement that is made about Gor, "its just bdsm" or "its just Men being bullies" or even "its just sex" and "its not real" I am accountable for my own words and opinions in this blog, but they are just that, mine. Not everybody will agree which is their right. Firstly Gor is fictional, it was a series of books about a...
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2022-09-01 8:34:01 am by AuraleePg in category RolePlay
People always ask, "what Caste should I be"?  Well my usual answer is "how the f*** do I know!" Castes are a funny thing, either you see something instantly that you can relate to or is similar to what you do in real life but sometimes its like looking at swahili.  Now if you speak fluend swahili I guess it will all make sense, otherwise its just...
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823 4
2022-08-29 8:00:51 am by AuraleePg in category RolePlay
  Some common synonyms of join are associate, combine, connect, link, relate, and unite. While all these words mean "to bring or come together into some manner of union," join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness. joined forces in an effort to win   The open weekend in the...
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2019-04-14 5:18:44 pm by AuraleePg in category Lifestyle
After a time away to mourn the r/t death of a Man who taught me to be the strong independent woman I am, I am back.  We met 16 years ago in a Gor chat room on msn and through the ups and downs, one thing never faltered, his love for me and mine for him. Initially I was his r/l sub but it wasn't long before we both realised I didnt have a submissive bone in my body and it was only with...
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334 3
  • Iskander: ahhh you got me lol
  • Account Deleted: Spot on, well said indeed!
  • MadieV~PHY~Gor: Some people tend to focus on the major castes, but really...without those minor castes, the high...
  • Account Deleted: I agree, Auralee, well said
  • AuraleePg: *Gets out the red carpet and hands the Dockmaster one of Wamphs silver coins (oopsie?) to make sure...