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dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ's Blog

2020-12-01 6:59:26 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
Questions 1.  What are those of low caste are superstitious of letting others know this?  2.  Which class of people with Second Knowledge? 3.  What is not self-evident and is not a part of First Knowledge? 4.  What do those of Low Caste, fearing spells and magic, commonly have one? 5.  What is speculated to be reserved to the...
2020-11-29 1:25:06 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
Questions 1.   Where is the home of the Priest Kings? 2.   What is the capital city of Cos? 3.   What city was constructed by slaves? 4.   What is the military road between the Vosk Delta and Ar? 5.   What lies in a valley between two mountains chains, together called the Hrimgar Mountains? 6.   "Salt is a...
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2020-11-24 9:04:41 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
Questions 1.  What game’s name is also the Gorean word for Game. 2.  What game "permits free women ... to make advances to interesting males." 3.  What game uses intricately carved animals dropped upon a mat. 4.  Which game is one of strategy and maneuverability. 5.  Who once "narrowly escaped an impalement in Besnit on the charge...
2020-11-22 11:08:22 am by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
    Questions 1.  Where did un-companioned women of High Caste spend their days? 2.  To their scandal, Physicians tell free women to do this. 3.  The application of these products is commonly thought improper for Free Women. 4.  What hairstyle usually reserved for Free Women or high slaves. 5.  What is a...
2020-11-20 6:37:03 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
QUESTIONS 1.  What are the wall colors in the Chamber of Council room, in each city.  2.  What gem can be a deep blue, purple, white, and/or yellow.  3.  What is Ar's state slave color. 4.  The color white represents these three.  5.  In years past, slave livery was striped, with what as its main a...
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  • livia: 1. Poets 2. Physicians 3. birth 4. thieves 5. initiates 6. builders and physicians 7. ...
  • dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ: as you say Master still think you are funny
  • Some Outlaw Guy: Obviously you weren't around when we old timers sat around talking about fights, wimmens, who...
  • dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ: i do not think Master that Honor has anything to do with passing Gas
  • Some Outlaw Guy: I thought #13's answer was particularly so.

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