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dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ's Blog

2020-09-05 11:20:31 am by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
The last rays of light reflected over the water as he sat himself down near a fire. The flames warmed him. He had need of the warmth. He felt cold to the bone. Thoughts about his age, his past life, his experiences made him feel old. Perhaps it needed to make him feel wise too. As he looked into the flames he could see his childhood. The playfulness of a young child that played with wooden...
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112 2
2020-09-04 12:54:33 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
The Black Telephone Those of us old enough to remember when the phone was wired to the wall, usually in the kitchen, can relate to this story. I loved this read. When I was a young boy, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. I remember the polished, old case fastened to the wall. The shiny receiver hung on the side of the box.. I was too little to reach...
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2020-09-04 12:01:10 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category General
you run freely through the flowery fields of Gor for its extensive prairies of a thousand colours and that your romantic and dreamy eyes can see in it almost magically a beautiful picture drawn by the sun when you run your bare feet seem to float on the grass bathed by morning dew and you are wearing that beautiful and shiny hair with feathers interlaced of cute colours that you...
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111 1
2020-09-03 11:00:25 am by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
  The absolute truth must be spoken to a Gorean master. It is forbidden to a girl to hide her feelings." Page 346 -Captive of Gor- She had known then that she was his, and in perfection. I had no doubt they fitted together, in the order of nature, in the most intimate, beautiful and fulfilling relationship possible between a man and a woman, that of love Master and love...
2020-09-02 12:21:58 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category General
  The free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips her wings in the orange sun rays and dares to claim the sky. But a bird that stalks down her narrow cage can seldom see through her bars of rage her wings are clipped and her feet are tied so she opens her throat to sing. The caged bird sings with fearful trill of...
  • livia: 1. Poets 2. Physicians 3. birth 4. thieves 5. initiates 6. builders and physicians 7. ...
  • dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ: as you say Master still think you are funny
  • Dalamar: Obviously you weren't around when we old timers sat around talking about fights, wimmens, who...
  • dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ: i do not think Master that Honor has anything to do with passing Gas
  • Dalamar: I thought #13's answer was particularly so.