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dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ's Blog

2020-09-01 10:17:45 am by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category General
can you hear me hear what i say what i’m whispering in your ear can you feel the offering my heart as soft as cashmere there for you an open door to my lap of fantasies let’s join in ways as we do fulfill our destinies can you see me that what i see the visions of dreams inside waiting for you to enter in and lie with me at hearth side written by Gods of...
2020-08-31 3:10:33 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
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116 1
2020-08-30 11:24:12 am by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
i held a heart that wasn’t mine it sang songs...but not for me just how crazy had i been all along hearing so incorrectly i loved you heart bled dry till the music no longer played till the only sound within my head was the echoing madness of an empty day it was you...not the sun that lit my days it was you...not the stars that filled my nights now...
2020-08-29 11:02:53 am by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
  he studies her face as her hips glide slowly across the floor and he always seems to know... when she's ready to dance love knows the right moves each time better than before eyes locked...their song begins and he always seems to know... when she's ready to dance the music plays inside their heads as the world disappears dedicated to the dance...they...
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2020-08-28 3:22:17 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
every evening...nearly the same crawling between sheets...alone crisp cold slips over bare skin head rests onto pillows the slightest whiff of musk yet there’s none beside me my arm reaches out grasping invisible hand surrounded in softness drawing it closer spooning embraces as if to kiss and taste the neck that’s not there wanting for warmth visions of...
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  • livia: 1. Poets 2. Physicians 3. birth 4. thieves 5. initiates 6. builders and physicians 7. ...
  • dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ: as you say Master still think you are funny
  • Dalamar: Obviously you weren't around when we old timers sat around talking about fights, wimmens, who...
  • dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ: i do not think Master that Honor has anything to do with passing Gas
  • Dalamar: I thought #13's answer was particularly so.