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__™'s Blog

2021-05-20 5:55:01 pm by __™ in category General
Chapter 10 The End Begins or How I blew up a Chatroom Pt 1  As the day came closer to Jyps for the big move she had to “strengthen” her self, So she thought getting drunk would help. That made her more closed up. Now the after Big Party Lunch all was set in motion for the trip and with Street taken over for the party to Streets Condo. Fri Sage and Dog landed and Shagg...
2021-05-18 3:44:27 pm by __™ in category General
  Chapter 9  The End before the Dawn Pt 2     ≈ Party Time  L.A Style ≈   Shagg convinced his wife she needed to go visit her mom with the kids He would go over and come back so he could work and return to pick her up.   So now he had a moment of clarity and freaked out, now he has paid for her ticket already for...
2021-05-11 2:24:09 pm by __™ in category Journals
    Chapter 8  The End before the Dawn part 1 After I left L.A and returned home I new it was coming to an end between Jyps and me. I still needed to also proceed with my divorce, this I alwys new it would not be a good one.. or easy but had to be dealt with. But chat life still proceeded as it had. We would still keep the “romancing “ going, things online...
2021-04-15 1:52:10 pm by __™ in category General
Married 3 was going thru some changes at this point Grey had returned after his hiatus from the room and  ppl were  getting along nicely and Dog and Sage had taken up on there normal find  a vacation spot. Dog ran a script and like reek havoc on a few rooms . which created a bit of a hassle for 3 ,since we didnt run one by choice and of course they would track him back and of...
2020-09-02 8:10:27 pm by __™ in category General
Chapter Two The door opening to a heart The tail of a chat hobbit Lost and  I started to cense a lose in the room and she told me about this other room she had been hangin in Married and Sooooo Bored and how much fun it was, so I ventured in and lurked. holy chit this room was moving .The only other room  other than bad I would venture in form time to time was MBF is was alwys...
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  • M𝔢lly™: I was around for much of your story, and it's interesting to follow the chapters, having known a...
  • N o r a: I read the first blog, I guess my first thought would does he remember so much. My story...
  • fang4: I did not sit through it but have herd bits and pieces of it. It was good to read it all in writing...
  • Spangz: I sat thru it ... :D love ya man!