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CHaldea's Blog

2016-01-30 4:33:10 pm by CHaldea in category General
Topic is: Bazaar today. Selling things that were .. acquired small wooden barrels laid out with various items ..lets barter and make a deal. Slave event, slave toss !!! RP enterenace required. Gor has no NO zones. whatevva happens happens. Bianciella looks over to the belching Tuchuk Bianciella : what do you think? do they not look good on her? CHaldea serpent ship now back from...
2016-01-28 10:58:29 am by CHaldea in category General
  'People Behind the Screen' by JADGA   Jadga: we many times forget 2 things here online Jadga: first there are r/p tales and real tales Jadga: sometimes the r/p is based on r/t Jadga: sometimes it is not Jadga: but always there are real people behind the screen Chaldea: very true Chaldea smiles brightly Jadga: many times the rp is a call for...
2016-01-26 11:52:51 pm by CHaldea in category General
  CHaldea Looking about Her Lovely Home (ramshackle cottage), watching Her pets, Her ships, Her Guards, Cpt Jahn and crew....It was, for an ahn, a tad saddening. So Deeply in love with Thassa and all Her humble belongings. Asks Herself 'how do I let this go, leaving it behind as I travel for a long while?! I'm just no good at delegating. Putting the responsibility in Me Cpts...
2016-01-25 5:18:53 am by CHaldea in category General
  RP entrance via ship, No stowaways, unless you like swimming with sharks " these islands were not united... the government of them was no more than a village council. " Raiders of Gor   CHaldea jumpin up n down on the beach, wavin arms... Elsa jit copyin Meh Khalid~RH~Builder rides the boat till it docks then crew let the plank...

Private Blog

Private   2016-01-24 10:31:04 am by CHaldea
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