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Fury's Blog

2020-04-02 11:40:22 am by Fury in category RolePlay
The longer I worked in the ships cargo hold, the warmer it got... maybe it was time to take a break, get some fresh air and sunshine and maybe have a bite to eat. I set aside the crate I was rifling though and headed out over the plank boards that connected the ship to the dock. Taking a deep breath I could faintly smell the putrid stench of death that waifted in from the city to the docks -...
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277 3
2020-03-27 6:56:49 pm by Fury in category RolePlay
 Waking again the next morning - fully expecting ALL of this was just a dream - no dead people, no Man in white, no abandoned cargo's. I took the small jit from his crate and headed into the warehouse... stopping as I approached my pile of personal belongings - my shoulders sinking a bit as I noticed things had been re-arranged - exactly like I assumed they had been in my dream... this...
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2020-03-26 8:00:32 pm by Fury in category General
New friends, old friends, yet to be made friends....Hope everyone is faring well. Drop a message in comments - let us know you're still safe and healthy. If you're not safe and healthy let us know to send a message to our chosen Power that be to help in your healing. We're all in this together folks.  Peace. The typist behind Fury
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2020-03-25 9:07:22 pm by Fury in category RolePlay
As I arrived back at the warehouse, I paused, and wondered again why no one had perished on the docks... not a single body in sight - only in the city itself.... the Market Square and presumably beyond... as if they'd all truly run inland... I considered again the possibility of a huge wave crashing ashore - but that didnt fall in line with the cargo waiting to be loaded into ships. It would...
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517 5
2020-03-24 1:48:30 pm by Fury in category General
Deluded people feel there is no virus taking out the innocents of the world. Deluded people do not see themselves as a carrier of a plague. Deluded people look back and see their path lined with good intentions... yet they do not see the swath of damage they create. Deluded, arrogant, self-centered.... people. For the love of God, Stop spreading the virus - stop being the plague. See your part in...
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541 6
  • Fury: Hmm... in that case I think maybe the M&M's are the actual condiment to the ice cream. No?
  • Dalamar: It all depends on what you consider a condiment. I'd not mind using vanilla ice cream as a...
  • Kyrielle: Frozen m& m's are good. More crunchy.
  • Fury: Could add ranch, or ketchup or some other condiment... most everything tastes better with...
  • Kyrielle: Never mind. I don't have the taste any more for vengeance.