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AuraleePg's Blog

2018-10-26 5:21:09 pm by AuraleePg in category Lifestyle
[10:03p] Topic is: The Trading Post is a Gorean Market on the Vosk River, where you can get anything. Come in and either learn Gor and or roleplay Gor. Simply use your imagination. [10:03p] Please wait and observe the room, before entering, and join into the roleplay. This is a Sanctioned Zone, Actions = Consequence. If You don't know please ask! A properly role played entrance...
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403 4
2018-10-13 5:40:02 am by AuraleePg in category Lifestyle
While people in glass houses, ie possibly me on occassion, but ... with good reason, health issues, should not cast aspersions or reiterate continuously (note at least one big word in there that I really don't understand but feel its fitting for the sentance so if it makes no sense, I am not held responsible) but really? While I am not always active in chat I do poke my nose into the...
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436 3
  • Iskander: ahhh you got me lol
  • Account Deleted: Spot on, well said indeed!
  • MadieV~PHY~Gor: Some people tend to focus on the major castes, but really...without those minor castes, the high...
  • Account Deleted: I agree, Auralee, well said
  • AuraleePg: *Gets out the red carpet and hands the Dockmaster one of Wamphs silver coins (oopsie?) to make sure...