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ȻȺᵽn Ŧøꝁ's Blog

2019-06-11 10:00:18 am by ȻȺᵽn Ŧøꝁ in category General
Damp boots strike sand at a run to swiftly take to shadow. One dark building to another in shadow he moved out of sight and out of place. None here would be welcoming to him as he stole through the darkness avoiding light of lanterns hung on street poles. Guards did speak and one came to close. Close enough to notice a dark figure in shadow. Foolish some become when minds think themselves...
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2019-06-07 4:55:21 pm by ȻȺᵽn Ŧøꝁ in category General
 In the night I felt it. A great nothing. Waverunner had stopped. I rolled sweet nat off my chest and sat up looking at jaz sitting as I was. I had moved so now nat too was sitting.  "We are not moving, my Jarl" The sweet soft voice spoke in the dark. "Aye mine, we are in a still. let yourself not dread as there is simply no wind." I bid my girls. "Have no...
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2019-05-30 5:25:23 pm by ȻȺᵽn Ŧøꝁ in category General
Rain tracing it's way into your eyes, you peer through as best you can. Holding the wheel, spinning it! Trying desprately to keep the ship pointed into the waves. Great sails that once blew you to safe harbor now drenched by the squall and dragging you in to the gaping maw of the trough. "Come now girl!" You scream at the top of your voice fear ripping through your mind as wind...
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185 4
2019-05-29 2:17:39 pm by ȻȺᵽn Ŧøꝁ in category General
I've been in gor for twenty odd years. Long enough to have seen it die. It seems that all who are left are either in the shadows to avoid the accusations or people that accuse. The sad part is that Gor is not alone. Role play as a whole has dwindled too. The great raging wars between rooms have ended. The only warriors left have either moved on in life or sit and watch it...
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401 2