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AsyaLMHSVendara's Blog

2015-11-13 2:30:26 am by AsyaLMHSVendara in category General
It boils down to some very, very simple facts. Much like Warren Stated, certain parts were, as usual where Cos is concerned, omitted when Agrit of course, made His "decision on the validity of the scrolls". This is commonplace where the members of Cos are concerned, much like where phelan is concerned. I call it convenient, and selective, amnesia. The facts are this. A slave,...
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2015-08-22 2:14:20 pm by AsyaLMHSVendara in category General
While I am absolutly certain that there are MANY who will not like this, and will call it a desperate attempt to cover, or lie. Or whatever else They so wish, I am also absolutely certain that I DO NOT CARE. It is time the truth is told... I remained quiet, for months, while pondering the legalities, and actually the worth, of even attempting to respond to the vast amount of lies, twists and...
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  • AsyaLMHSVendara: Some comments were made by someone without any actual clue. I had responded to them but in...
  • AsyaLMHSVendara: thank you alli for that thank Y/you to those that did make the trip into the Hold to pay their...
  • Account Deleted: A huge thank Y/you to those that sent gifts for the service or were able to attend last night and...
  • Account Deleted: looks up from my coloring, arches an eyebrow, yawns and goes back to coloring without ever uttering...
  • JudasW: what the hell is this FW making sense: Well said B. Ladies this is the best FW Gor blog I have seen...