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iseult~His forever's Blog

2018-07-02 10:03:00 pm by iseult~His forever in category RolePlay
[07:56p]  Solveig walks along the softly lapping lake edge, the water looking like dancing crystals as Lar-Torvis sends sinking rays dancing across the mirror like surface [07:58p] malih had settled beneath a tree, tired and sore. She didn't know how long she'd been walking, weeks now, but she'd seen no one else since the strange people on the beach, the one who slept...
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2018-06-19 11:12:06 pm by iseult~His forever in category RolePlay
[07:16p] malih lifted sapphire eyes to the sky noting the position of Lar-Torvis nearing her right. Evening would come soon and she'd need to find shelter. She'd been grateful for the fresh water the stream provided, though it was a much longer stream than the one in the gardens. She felt like she'd been following it for weeks.  [07:19p] malih had become lonely. She...
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2018-06-16 9:31:33 pm by iseult~His forever in category RolePlay
[07:33p] malih woke as Lar-Torvis peeked over the horizon, her nose wrinkling as she inhaled deeply the stench emmating from the one she didn't recognize was dead. Tentatively popping one eye open and then the other, she pushed herself to sitting, pausing a moment to recollect where she was, a frown forming on dry lips. [07:33p] malih : Still here [07:34p] malih...
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2018-06-10 5:14:31 pm by iseult~His forever in category RolePlay
[03:24p] malih didn't know how much time had passed, giving in to the self-pity of being alone. That was over now, she admonished herself. [03:27p] malih rising, she lifted the hem of her dress in small hands, the fabric still heavy, but not nearly as it had been before now that it had dried. Letting her gaze drift over the sands once more, she knew she'd need to find food...
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2018-06-08 11:09:28 pm by iseult~His forever in category RolePlay
malih woke alone on the beach, Lar-Torvis lifting into the morning sky, it's rays beating down. Slowly, she pushed herself to almost sitting, running a small hand through her hair. Loose granules of sand fell from cocoa tendrils and she brought her hand to her cheek to brush clinging grains away.  malih shaking her head to clear the sleep from it, she tried to recall what had...
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  • Emerson: Thank you for sharing
  • ThieryW: We have similar rules when we play AD&D 1e. I think these are applicable in any RP. Nice catch.
  • MadieV~PHY~Gor: I remember this document, or something similar that was adapted to Gorean rp specifically. That was...
  • iseult~His forever: Thank you, Mistress
  • MadieV~PHY~Gor: eru, you are in good Hands