Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

Buzzen News

2016-06-28 7:45:14 pm
Buzzen now offers a 6 month BSR ( Buzzen Supported Room ) for a donation of $25 usd. This is not a limited time promotion. For more information about BSRs and donating please visit our donate page @
2016-03-07 5:20:40 pm
A couple of years ago we reset all passwords on every account because we feared they may have been comprimised. We never received any proof that was the case but to be safe we took extreme measures. At the time users were informed to reset their passwords and staff worked tirelessly to help users who had problems. Recently we have had a lot of down time due to ddos attacks and other issues due to...
2016-02-22 3:16:05 pm
We have been forced to update our rules on what images are allowed to be uploaded by our users. This is to ensure we can continue to operate under the guidelines of our advertisers. Along with these changes to the rules we have made certain sections of our website "members only". This means you must be registered and signed in to see them. This includes the blogs section and the user...
2016-01-10 9:23:00 pm
We are looking for new ways to promote your Buzzen Supported Rooms. If you have any ideas on this subject please let us know.
2015-12-19 3:54:49 pm
We have added a search blogs feature. This will allow you to use search terms to find blogs of interest. At the moment it searches for the terms in the title of the blogs.
  • err0r:
  • ꧁lilbunnie꧂: what is the link for the donation page?
  • elusive_butterfly: I don't have vpn on my phone and I still can't
  • elusive_butterfly: Am I here?
  • Eyecu: News comments are not for support. Please send in a ticket with all pertinent information as i...
  • gymgirl: cant get into chat still
  • Ross_7: my anti virus security suite refuses to let me into buzzen anything because of your lack of...
  • Eyecu: Nikki you are using a vpn, turn off the vpn to connect to buzzen. And in the future news posts are...
  • 🍹Nikki🍸: Hello. I am still having trouble accessing the chat room I get in but then it comes up disconnected...
  • Sir_Shandy: Gilbert 1 Do you have a VPN running at the time of this message and attempt to enter the room. If...