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Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm's Blog

2015-07-31 12:05:04 am by Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm in category General
The recognized Physicians of Gor for the realms of Buzzen and GCN: Myself, and Jazire. Anyone not listed is not sanctioned, nor recognized by the Green Caste as a Physician or Healer in the above mentioned realms.
2015-03-24 6:11:07 pm by Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm in category General
Same old.....tired.....rhetorical....."woe is me"....."how dare you".....self-rightous.....self-centered.....attention seeking.....rehashed.....redundant.....delusional.....self-inflicted.....drama. This is their shame. Any issues long since passed will be brushed aside, along with the dust that they have gathered. Anyone who is unable, or unwilling,...