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Caney's Blog

2015-08-30 11:14:23 pm by Caney in category General
Went back to Ohio to retreive a few ferro cats.  Came back got lost for the last hour of the 14 hour turned 15 hour return trip.  Woke up at 12 midnight with a swollen throat / allergy attack for whatever reason.  Not a good week end.  The house is full of boxes that need unpacking and sorting. Endless honey doo list for me to achieve.  A yard and i mean a 40 acre yard...
2015-08-26 5:05:02 am by Caney in category General
Thinking back yet again about old msn chat and buzzen in its haydays. I cant help  being reminded why in my opinion both failed.  The over use of and priority of scriptors.  Those that run bots and falsely believe that chat depends on the use of bots.  A typical example of their failed policies is a room I on occassion frequent that recently allowed a scriptor to join in as a...
2015-08-06 9:42:36 pm by Caney in category General
Tonight my brother came to visit myself and mother before we moved away.  We spoke to each other with a pleasant tone.  Nobody would know our lifelong dislike of each other. I am not sure if I was acting fake or just attempting to be civil. I surely was not taking into consideration his abusive behavior of the past.  Mind boggling.  When mother had her accidnet on the rider...
2015-08-03 9:58:34 pm by Caney in category General
Been frequenting a room that I have chatted in on and off for years.  For the past week a certain bully I shall refer to as R has posted disrespectful and hate filled chat posts against a host.  Each time running her out of the room.  Well I would have hoped the failing stats of buzzen would have given buzzen a clue and removed the chat bullies.  You not only run off the...
2015-08-03 9:46:00 am by Caney in category General
Sometimes u have to endure bad times to work toward the greater good.  For me the next few weeks will be just that. A lesson in enduring being around someone that has hurt me to the max so I can move forward and hopefully a future that is filled with serenity and happiness. In chat I chat it up with so many over the years that have endured a bad home life because they didnt have the means to...
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