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Haigan's Blog

2020-08-02 3:12:39 am by Haigan in category Writing
The green season of my tenth year brought with it the first of my service commitments to the Home Stone, during which the young men of Boswell Pass were expected to help maintain and expand the trade routes. While the service itself was obligatory, the circumstances of ones service, the very nature of their experience with it was entirely random. being only small matters which were left to...
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2020-07-20 7:55:38 pm by Haigan in category Writing
To the best of My reckoning, I don't know when the world shifted, or when life changed, or when whatever had happened, had happened. I recollected it to the best of My ability, in as far as I had the power to reckon things, that I had been busy with the farm that particular day. Somewhat more accurately however, was the plain and simple truth that I had had the same excuse for My ignorance of...
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