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Fury's Blog

2020-03-23 11:18:05 pm by Fury in category RolePlay
Dalamar─O: sighs "I move on to the next city, and play a game with the citizens called, "Who can stay still the longest"" Fury : "Oh."  the tone of my voice didnt hide my disappointment in that single word of response. Then I nodded and guessed I'd have to figure something out on my own  Dalamar─O : "I...
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2020-03-22 11:50:32 pm by Fury in category RolePlay
Pt.2 Fury: I eased along the wall so as not to lose sight of him, I'd stealthily follow to find out where he was going. Dalamar─O : One foot in front of the other, put the other foot down, another step, rinse and repeat. I don't step on anyone. I stay away from the speed bumps. I think to myself as a I have everything? Got some food to eat,...
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2020-03-22 8:16:00 pm by Fury in category RolePlay
[12:23p] › You are now known as Fury. [12:23p] › You have joined the conversation.     [12:54p] › Fury changes topic to: (RoG) Port Kar Post-apocalyptic Roleplay [12:56p] › Fury changes welcome message to: Remnants of Gor Post-apocalyptic Roleplay. Currently along the Docks of Port Kar. Roleplay...
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2020-03-22 12:17:51 pm by Fury in category RolePlay
As darkness fell she picked up a small tharlarion oil lantern and turned the wick low, only a tiny bit of light radiating from it – she didnt want to be a beacon in the night, rather just not trip over something and fall flat on her face. She began to wonder if it was maybe some sort of holiday and everyone truly had gone off to party. It appeared that there really was no one about. Very...
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2020-03-20 9:56:25 pm by Fury in category RolePlay
  She'd daydreamed for most of the trip as she rowed along, the higher water in the delta made navigating less of a worry as her small skiff glid smoothly across the surface.. The jit, remained unusually silent for the entirety of the trip - simply staring at her through the slats of its small crate. It became unsettling after a while, but she didnt yet understand exactly why it...
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  • Fury: Hmm... in that case I think maybe the M&M's are the actual condiment to the ice cream. No?
  • Dalamar: It all depends on what you consider a condiment. I'd not mind using vanilla ice cream as a...
  • Kyrielle: Frozen m& m's are good. More crunchy.
  • Fury: Could add ranch, or ketchup or some other condiment... most everything tastes better with...
  • Kyrielle: Never mind. I don't have the taste any more for vengeance.