Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

Buzzen News

2015-10-02 12:38:18 pm
We have done a little cosmetic surgery to our roomlist page. Thanks to our favorite chatter Danger we found a bug that allowed users to insert html into their topic. This has been fixed. We have also changed the listing of rooms. Room list now appears in order of Buzzen Supported Rooms first. Then User Created Rooms. They are sorted by number of users from highest to lowest. We have also removed...
2015-06-21 5:22:37 pm
We have updated our chat domain to In a few days will auto redirect to Please update your bookmarks to reflect this change. All links on the website have been updated to use url. This includes roomlist, favorites, etc. You will need to log out of and back in to start using the new url. Scripters using
2015-05-20 9:12:50 pm
We are currently working on Buzzen Groups, which will allow users to set up a group much like the old MSN Group Pages. We are interested in knowing what you would like to see included in groups. Give us your ideas and we will try to incorporate them.
2014-07-17 2:57:28 pm
We have a winner. Let's have a big round of applause for Shaun Scott, who was chosen as the first winner of Buzzen’s on-going contest for “Writers, Artists and Photographers.” Shaun’s poem entitled, “May” is sincere and heartfelt. The reader should find it endearing and a keepsake. “May” will be featured and featured on Buzzen’s Facebook...
2014-07-10 9:32:01 am
Want an emoticon in chat that we don't have? Now is your chance to get it added to our list of chat emoticons. Show us your favorite emoticon or give us a link to view it. If you don't have one, request what you would like to see. We will select the top submissions to be added to our chat emoticons. Post them in our comments section here or on our facebook group. Rules No emoticons...
  • eαst🎀coαst🎀gırl: Thank you, err0r and Karen! I think this is a GREAT first step to making Buzzen a community again!...
  • Red🅿️yth🅾️n🐍: Thank you for featuring our room! We appreciate the gesture and all the work you guys do on Buzzen...
  • Karen_BCN: Congratulations! You are most welcome! We want Buzzen to become a community again. This is the...
  • err0r: Congratulations on being featured!
  • eαst🎀coαst🎀gırl: Thank you for featuring our room!! We can't wait to see some new "faces" in Twisted Trivia!!
  • err0r:
  • ꧁lilbunnie꧂: what is the link for the donation page?
  • elusive_butterfly: I don't have vpn on my phone and I still can't
  • elusive_butterfly: Am I here?
  • Eyecu: News comments are not for support. Please send in a ticket with all pertinent information as i...