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Dalamar's Blog

2019-09-16 7:37:23 pm by Dalamar in category RolePlay
     The ship from Bazi ties up at a dock in Brundisium, gets met by a port official and pays its berth fee and a ramp is lowered to the pier, and several men disembark and start to set up a makeshift booth next to the base of the ramp, and slaves carry cargo off the ship and stack it next to the booth for display.  As this was happening. the man that was given the bundle...
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2019-09-16 2:49:26 am by Dalamar in category RolePlay
     It was the middle of the night in Poirt Kar.       Few lights shone at this time of night, paga dens and brothels, and the occasional patrol with torches.  This suited a prowler just fine, as he skulked from alleyway to alleyway, going in the general direction of the shoreline where there was a shipwreck he'd heard about.  It was...
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2019-09-07 4:50:15 pm by Dalamar in category RolePlay
     It had been a while since this man, "The Source" had been to Brundisium, and if he had his wish  he'd not be here today either.  It was a grand place, certainly, filled with bazaars and shops, emporiums and baths and restaurants, places you could find pleasure in and never leave so long as you had coin, all over the place as far as the eye could...
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260 3
2019-09-04 9:30:19 pm by Dalamar in category RolePlay
I shouldn't have to do things like this.  I shouldn't be drawn into conflicts of which I feel I have no direct part in.  For instance, this blog.  I ain't gonna tell someone what they can and can't put in their blog.  It's their blog, i don't pay for their internet, I ain't married to them, they ain't my kid, and i am not their legal...
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353 3
2019-09-04 5:50:26 am by Dalamar in category RolePlay
Yay, it's me!  Your friendly neighborhood criminal, Dalamar!  Yep, I said it, i am a crimiinal.  Why, might you ask?   Well I stole a slave.  I cut her former owner's collar off with one of my sharpies and tossed said cord into a canal without a second thought.  I then free'd this slave and claimed her as my woman, and i was just piling up...
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611 5
  • MadieV~PHY~Gor: Really can't call it a stimulus. It's a bait and switch distraction from what's been going on and...
  • Dalamar: There was no cigar with this current stimulus package. Just an update.
  • Dalamar: Until...
  • Fury: perfect
  • Emerson: Sounds good!