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Caney's Blog

2015-08-02 3:14:07 pm by Caney in category General
From time to time life takes a fall and one thinks that life might not get up and move on.  Yesturday was a day like that for me.  I told my mother the truth I have kept locked up inside me for 50 plus years.  I was at my wits end and finally told her why I believe she destroyed my life.  I gave a detail that I swore to myself I would take to my grave.  Last night I laid...
2015-07-28 8:26:57 pm by Caney in category General
The dentist that illegally killed the famous lion is no stranger to illegal hunting.  But slaps on the hand and minor fines for a wealthy person is not going to stop him from illegally hunting again.  Hunting to feed your family is a good thing.  Hunting for the thrill of killing is sick bastard activity.  He needs to lose his right to own weapons and lose his right to hunt...
2015-07-09 11:58:12 am by Caney in category General
Such a total relief to visit rooms and not have to endure fake psychics claiming all kind of abilities.  Especially those that r nothing but drug addicts that live off the government dole.  Perhaps now this chat server will get actual chatters and be busy again. Where there is life there is hope.
2015-05-01 7:41:47 pm by Caney in category General
Since day one of chat decades ago I found the chat world a place where I felt emtionally secure and fulfilled.  Never understood the need to meet in real life.  S small fish in a small pond is ideal for me.  FB is a huge ocean with way too many species swimming about.  Making friends is hit and miss at best. In good times I turn or return to chat and in sad times I wimper back...
2014-02-09 1:59:55 pm by Caney in category General
On the recent hollywood news yet another actor has died from drug overdose.  The mainstream media went bananas as ususal and the police hunted down those involved in selling him the drugs.  Has the world lost it's perverbial mind?  Not one voice speaking up and saying well another loser has left the room.  I feel no pitty for those that chose to take drugs and die.  I...
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