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Fury's Blog

2020-03-19 8:27:29 pm by Fury in category RolePlay
She couldn't escape the odd dreams, restless sleep, and thoughts that certainly bordered on crazy, that had previously consumed her mind , and as she paddled ...they ran amok in her head again.   Glancing upward to the sky she wondered again about bosk and tarsk carrying tarns - and the serious improbability of that - but there really was no other way a bosk and a tarsk would make...
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258 2
2020-03-19 11:17:32 am by Fury in category General
It's amusing that you resort to the same behaviours if something doesnt go your way... you accuse, you threaten, you post personal information in such a veiled way that you never get caught or removed from this server, you even blackmail people - and if that doesnt work then you play the wounded vulo to try to glean sympathy.  Do you not think that most everyone associated with Gor...
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349 5
2020-03-18 7:47:47 pm by Fury in category General
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212 1
2020-03-18 5:43:57 pm by Fury in category RolePlay
She pinched her eyes more tightly shut as she tried to cling to the last vestiges of a restless nights sleep. The ray of light passing through her window and directly onto her forehead- not helping matters at all - before she finally succumbs to the demand of morning and wakefulness. Tossing her woven blanket aside with a little more of a huff than necessary before shifting to sitting .... and...
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140 3
2020-03-16 11:59:36 am by Fury in category General
What in tarnation are you spouting off about now? You're drifting deludedly in and out of real life situations and roleplay  situations from a DECADE PLUS ago- and trying to somehow combine the two. (see, we can all use caps to make points we want to get across more visual).  So let's lay it on the line since you seem to think you hold all these secrets about my real life...
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386 7
  • Fury: Hmm... in that case I think maybe the M&M's are the actual condiment to the ice cream. No?
  • Some Outlaw Guy: It all depends on what you consider a condiment. I'd not mind using vanilla ice cream as a...
  • Kyrielle: Frozen m& m's are good. More crunchy.
  • Fury: Could add ranch, or ketchup or some other condiment... most everything tastes better with...
  • Kyrielle: Never mind. I don't have the taste any more for vengeance.