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Šašha's Blog

2019-07-31 12:31:18 am by Šašha in category General
A little over two years ago, I began a new journey.  I went back school to earn a Bachelors in Health Care Administration.  I have completed my education and have earned my Bachelors.  Balancing everything, family, work, school and social life was not an easy thing to do, but with the love and support of some great people, I was able to do it.  Even though I already previously...
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2019-04-19 10:35:34 pm by Šašha in category General
This started out more as a joke than anything, but as I added to it, it became obvious that there are chatters out there who need these "helpful" tips.   I may add more as time goes on.  So enjoy these "helpful" chat tips.     Below are a few helpful tips to help you enjoy your time in chat.  Enjoy!!! Helpful tip #1:  before...
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2019-03-09 11:45:07 pm by Šašha in category General
I have been sick with the norovirus.  For anyone who may not know what that is, the norovirus is a highly contagious virus that is otherwise known as acute gastroenteritis.  This virus is spread a few ways, but the most common way is via contact with someone who has the virus.   Because of my line of work, its highly likely I came into contact with someone who had the...
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2018-08-04 6:07:51 pm by Šašha in category General
The reason I was recently away from chat for a few days was because I had a health crisis that needed immediate attention.  I don't want to go into detail as to what the crisis was, but thankfully everything went very well and I am in the mend.   I want to share this part with you all because it taught me an important lesson.  Clint, my ex fiance, once he heard about my...
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2018-07-25 6:41:57 pm by Šašha in category General
I am dealing with a very personal issue right now, so I will be away from chat for a bit.   I could be away for several days, a week or longer, it just depends on how everything goes.  Please don't ask questions as to why I will be away, but rather, just send me your thoughts and prayers.   Thank you (K)     Sasha
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