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Buzzen News

2014-07-04 6:12:18 pm
We are happy to announce we once again have a Buzzen Arcade. We are still researching a way to save the scores locally to our own database. Until that time we will be unable to have a leaderboard or saved scores. Hopefully we can find a way to save them. We will continue to add games daily as they are released. As always we welcome your opinions and ideas. You can acces our acade by using the...
2014-05-17 4:55:51 pm
We have added a new button to your profile editor that allows you to add Youtube videos directly to your main profile area. Just click the new youtube button in your editor and insert the url for the video. We will be adding more features to our profile area very soon. If you have any ideas/suggestions/problems please let us know by either joining our live 24/7 Helpdesk or submitting a support...
2014-03-24 8:36:52 pm
We have added "Sexual Orientation" option to our profile system. This is optional. By default it is set to undisclosed which does not show on your profile. The current options are "Undisclosed", "Straight", "Gay", "Bisexual". You can change this setting by going to "Edit your Profile" while logged in. If you have any questions or ideas...
2014-01-30 6:19:05 am
Bored? Try our new beta Arcade. We are presenting an arcade to our users to see if that is something that they might be interested in. Please give us your feedback. If you do enjoy it we will continue to add new features to it. At this time all the games are third party games and they come with advertisments. Check out the Arcade @
2014-01-09 2:59:49 pm
By default the website messaging system is now open to all users to send messages. You can send a message to any user by visiting their profile page and clicking on the "Message" link. This was done to make it easier to find and make friends here on buzzen. We have also added a privacy option for those that wish to continue to only allow users on your approved friends list to message...
  • err0r:
  • ꧁lilbunnie꧂: what is the link for the donation page?
  • elusive_butterfly: I don't have vpn on my phone and I still can't
  • elusive_butterfly: Am I here?
  • Eyecu: News comments are not for support. Please send in a ticket with all pertinent information as i...
  • gymgirl: cant get into chat still
  • Ross_7: my anti virus security suite refuses to let me into buzzen anything because of your lack of...
  • Eyecu: Nikki you are using a vpn, turn off the vpn to connect to buzzen. And in the future news posts are...
  • 🍹Nikki🍸: Hello. I am still having trouble accessing the chat room I get in but then it comes up disconnected...
  • Sir_Shandy: Gilbert 1 Do you have a VPN running at the time of this message and attempt to enter the room. If...