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Quin's Blog

2019-07-13 3:01:49 pm by Quin in category General
After spending a few days enjoying the ocean and getting some much needed rest I press on up the mountainside and back into the jungle. Spending 3 ahn cutting my way through dense foliage I emerge into a clearing filled with fallen rocks and waterfalls. There are Varts flying about which tells me there are caves embedded in those high walls of stone and I begin to search for them…it...
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2019-07-12 10:49:33 am by Quin in category General
Leaving the city of ghosts and bones I headed along the water as I have done these last four days…Making note that this is a large island filled with much vegetation, and while I have not made comment upon the food it should be known that there is a wide variety of fruits and small animals which make a tasty bounty of delicious meals. And lest I forget…there is that strange beast...
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2019-07-11 6:57:10 pm by Quin in category General
As I left the graveyard behind me I looked just to my right and was met with this wondrous sight…A City The thought rang loudly in my mind…I was excited yet cautious wondering how I would be greeted…but alas it was as dead as the cemetery. Broken wagons, waterless fountains, large buildings with no signs of life. I roamed the streets for ahns looking inside and out...
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2019-07-10 7:09:46 pm by Quin in category General
The night was filled with restless sleep and haunting dreams with images of beasts only known by legend, awakened by strange sounds and animal cries in the night and yet as I gained my wits I saw the beauty of the place where I rested and a strange calm engulfed me, I am alright I thought and ready to continue my journey. It did not seem right to leave this place as if I could remain...
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2019-07-10 11:39:01 am by Quin in category General
…As I open my eyes to greet this new day I can see in the distance above the mountain peaks the rising of the morning light. I have determined to begin this day by exploring my new home. I have no Idea where I am, just that my Wartarn Stealth brought me here. What force guided Him to this place which has both beauty and danger. Perhaps I will discover the answers to those questions or...
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  • amari☰H☰fg: i wish You both well, Master
  • dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ: will miss you Master enjoy yous time away
  • MadieV~PHY~Gor: Personal downtime is good. I hope You and harper return rested, recharged and full o' GOR! Be safe...
  • Haigan: I wish you both well, and will see you again upon your return. Good luck with the resolution of the...
  • Kyrielle: I'll miss you.