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Bart's Blog

2016-01-22 1:57:25 pm by Bart in category General
I would like to start a round table discussion with all heads of home of Gor to start bringing back, as it can obviously be seen as needed, standards of role play that will help everyone have an understanding as to what is acceptable and not for our small community. I would like to have the first discussion this weekend, if possible. Maybe Saturday morning/afternoon since that seems to be a good...
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2016-01-21 12:19:17 pm by Bart in category General
Last night, the Administrator of Telnus, Agrit, finally acted like a man and took a stand for what he felt was right, and for that, I respect him. However, after reading his missive, I have decided to take the opportunity to break it down piece by piece, and put my 2 coppers worth in, and shed a little light on a few things. The words in blue are mine, and black is the original...
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2016-01-15 9:08:07 pm by Bart in category General
Over the next couple days, a decision will be made as to how to proceed with answering your act of aggression. I believe that my message was written clearly, in an easy to understand format, with a minimal amount of complex words, each one written with clarity and purpose.  Until that time, any person who claims Cosian citizenship will be placed on a no-entry list and will be turned away...
2016-01-13 4:20:36 pm by Bart in category General
After some digging and asking around, it has been found that, for some reason, you have selected to persecute Penelope, the Merchant of Vendara, and friend of Lydius... And myself, yet, the scroll that I read, combined with the accounts of those present (Ok, I actually only asked Penelope, because I know Chaldea would give the exact same account), shows that there was not just one, but two...
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2016-01-10 5:25:42 pm by Bart in category General
If you are killed, retire your character, or are for some other reason, doing time away from Gor as per the 2 week requirement, Lydius is NOT a place to even "pop in" for a moment to see what's up. Going forward, if you are caught in Lydius while doing time away, for whatever reason, then you will start your clock over on THAT day.  It's a shame that I have to bring this...
  • Emerson: Hush , Outlaw
  • Dalamar: Lye soap and a cheese grater?
  • Emerson: “ Just gives them both looks “
  • Dalamar: Chisel and a wire scrubber.
  • Haigan: old lady who doesn't use soap... Cute? maybe if ya scrape off a layer of dirt, or three...ya...