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dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ's Blog

2020-10-22 7:11:33 am by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
a kajira a kajira defines i beg a moment of your time to write about what exactly IS a kajira...i’ve heard so many opinions on this one...and i’ve no doubt you have too...but i hope you will allow me the privilege to give one more...and as always this article is my personal opinion...there is no right or wrong opinions...just different ones...i’m going...
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2020-10-21 9:59:43 am by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
Gorean Language no better time to learn then now!! the “Language” is the common tongue of Gor...with several related dialects or helps to hold together Gor’s many diverse parts...if you cannot speak are commonly considered a barbarian...Gorean is considered a strong language but that can also be supple and beautiful...those of Ar are said to...
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2020-10-20 8:21:05 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
2020-10-20 10:50:37 am by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
i come to you today to beg for the privilege to share four simple things that have made me successful in being pleasing these to some...will not be new...for great minds think alike...but i have noticed that they have escaped the attentions of many a slave girl...i do promise you...they work! i have relied on them often and not one of them has failed me 1. use notes about a Free’s to...
2020-10-19 7:08:34 pm by dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ in category RolePlay
Your Service Sucks!  do you fear the moment that you enter a Room and there’s more than one Free? are you constantly trying to find ways to get out of serving because you feel like you’re out of practice? than what the hell are you doing in Gor? a place where slaves serve as if their life depended on it because it very well may! sure the service is role play you...
  • livia: 1. Poets 2. Physicians 3. birth 4. thieves 5. initiates 6. builders and physicians 7. ...
  • dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ: as you say Master still think you are funny
  • Dalamar: Obviously you weren't around when we old timers sat around talking about fights, wimmens, who...
  • dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ: i do not think Master that Honor has anything to do with passing Gas
  • Dalamar: I thought #13's answer was particularly so.