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Dalamar's Blog

2018-10-29 8:09:17 pm by Dalamar in category Lifestyle
I don't hardly ever say things like this because it's not kind, and gives at the least the room a bad name, but I strongly suggest avoiding Boswell Pass because of the hostility of the host.  I came in tonight to apologize to the man for the opinion expressed in the first Boswell Pass blog, because how was he to know I didn't like dancing.  But this?  I didn't even...
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2018-10-29 7:53:58 pm by Dalamar in category Lifestyle
  [06:51p] › You are now known as Dalamar─O. [06:51p] › You have joined the conversation. [06:51p] Topic is: The Boswell Pass is a corridor linking the Barrens and the "civilized" societies Klim. Rustic and rugged homesteads sprawl throughout the hills and valleys. Post a credible entrance to participate in the role-play! (Gorean...
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2018-10-27 11:35:32 pm by Dalamar in category Lifestyle
Edit: I had  to reread this because i rememebered, I had to redo this blog almost three times because Buzzen's a great server and there's nothing wrong with it at all.  So, i left something rather important out.  It's towards the bottom.  Sorry for the late correction, this is the normal time or so I get off work and can be arsed  to get on. Pardon the font...
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2018-10-27 9:25:37 pm by Dalamar in category Lifestyle
[01:52p] › You are now known as Dalamar─O. [01:52p] › You have joined the conversation. [01:52p] Topic is: The Boswell Pass is a corridor linking the Barrens and the civilized West. Rustic and rugged homesteads are spread throughout this country. Harvest Feastival Oct 21 thru Oct 28. Post a credible entrance to participate in the role-play. (Gorean...
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409 1
2018-10-25 11:19:29 pm by Dalamar in category General
[09:18p] › You are now known as Dalamar─O. [09:18p] › You have joined the conversation. [09:18p] › Dalamar─O has changed your modes to +q [09:18p] Topic is: The Trading Post is a Gorean Market on the Vosk River, where you can get anything. Come in and either learn Gor and or roleplay Gor. Simply use your...
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  • MadieV~PHY~Gor: Really can't call it a stimulus. It's a bait and switch distraction from what's been going on and...
  • Dalamar: There was no cigar with this current stimulus package. Just an update.
  • Dalamar: Until...
  • Fury: perfect
  • Emerson: Sounds good!