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Bart's Blog

2015-10-15 6:59:57 pm by Bart in category General
Over the last few weeks, a lot has happened, and through it all, some people have showed their true colors. Most, in a very good way. Some, in even better ways. But a select couple... Well, you showed everyone what you are really made of. And it shows that you are either just a very ugly person, or you are so jaded, that you fail to find the ability within yourselves to enjoy good role play, or...
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110 0
2015-08-04 9:24:39 pm by Bart in category General
In a matter of months, Buzzen was dead, most of us were somewhat around, some of us were checking in from time to time, but largely, Buzzen was dead. Then, I posted a rant in the paper, a discussion was had and all of a sudden, not just my own home, but others grew, in popularity, in size, and in hours open a day, week, month. What is scary, the number of actual new homes, did not grow past what,...
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100 0
  • Emerson: Hush , Outlaw
  • Dalamar: Lye soap and a cheese grater?
  • Emerson: “ Just gives them both looks “
  • Dalamar: Chisel and a wire scrubber.
  • Haigan: old lady who doesn't use soap... Cute? maybe if ya scrape off a layer of dirt, or three...ya...