Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

Buzzen News

2013-08-31 11:53:06 pm
Several users are coming to helpdesk because they have heard rumors about Buzzen merging with another chat network named Chatcore. At this time the plan is to continue to develop Buzzen chat along with the developers from Chatcore. Their expertise in the chat server and web gui area will help us to deliver more services to our users. Do not worry. Buzzen chat is not going anywhere. Our goals are...
2013-08-31 11:34:57 pm
I know many of you do not like change but in order to continue to grow and attract new users we must add new features. We have tried to make everyone as happy as possible by adding settings that will allow you to show what you wish to show as far as extras and we have even put a button ( located on the right next to the ad ) that will allow you to close the right side and only show the basics. I...
2013-01-28 9:28:39 am
You can now reflect your current mood on your profile. Just use edit profile to choose for a large list of moods along with emoticons to represent them.
  • err0r:
  • ꧁lilbunnie꧂: what is the link for the donation page?
  • elusive_butterfly: I don't have vpn on my phone and I still can't
  • elusive_butterfly: Am I here?
  • Eyecu: News comments are not for support. Please send in a ticket with all pertinent information as i...
  • gymgirl: cant get into chat still
  • Ross_7: my anti virus security suite refuses to let me into buzzen anything because of your lack of...
  • Eyecu: Nikki you are using a vpn, turn off the vpn to connect to buzzen. And in the future news posts are...
  • 🍹Nikki🍸: Hello. I am still having trouble accessing the chat room I get in but then it comes up disconnected...
  • Sir_Shandy: Gilbert 1 Do you have a VPN running at the time of this message and attempt to enter the room. If...