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Radnor's Blog

2021-04-01 10:05:29 pm by Radnor in category General
Not desperate just lonely...but I have found some who feels like they are truely Gorean only  come to find out they are nothing close and are more players/gamers just very tough to find a spunky smart respectufl loyal sexy both silky/bondie type..sexual but not trashy...are you out there or know of anyone like that...send her to ME I am a respectful Gorean Master but stricted...
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138 0
2021-04-01 2:28:13 pm by Radnor in category General
If your looking for active Gorean type chat rooms please please find Me....can be anyone who seeks Gor I know its a dying breed of people it seems but maybe your curious or returning at least lets chat.....Radnor Smith on skype or find Me in Gorean Cht Chat here on buzzen 
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150 0
2021-04-01 2:25:38 pm by Radnor in category General
just looking for some good active chatrooms  based on Gorean or some kind of Roleplaying but not just any kinda just wish to have some share where they exactly go Buzzen is small but not to active..more curious   please/thanks   Is there any secret type Gorean rooms I was told there was some Would like to find more active type chats is there anything out there..please...
  • Radnor: I will be honest...Gor seems to be DEAD not just on Buzzen but all over why is that you think? Lost...
  • Radnor: Has Gor gone totally dead...I guess there isnt anyone out there seeking...hopefully shes out there