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Seeks GOREAN type members for active Gorean home

Current Mood: Flirty
Radnor (*, *)
Male - 65 years old, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2021-04-01 2:28:13 pm Category General Viewed 150 times Likes 0

If your looking for active Gorean type chat rooms please please find Me....can be anyone who seeks Gor I know its a dying breed of people it seems but maybe your curious or returning at least lets chat.....Radnor Smith on skype or find Me in Gorean Cht Chat here on buzzen 

2021-08-25 3:11:17 pm
I will be honest...Gor seems to be DEAD not just on Buzzen but all over why is that you think? Lost of interest what are your thoughts...can you share how to fix this..its very strange curious in others opinions please/thanks