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Leonardo402's Profile

Current Mood: Amused
Leonardo402 (Leo402 , Glockenspiel )
Male - 55 years old, NYC, NY , United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Widow/Widower

Updated: 2016-07-29 5:42:36 pm Viewed 725 times Likes 0

Republicans are for the most part imbeciles. Just look at people like lynnie, Sue_Cunto, Engineasshole, TTT, MaccaPuke, JP (Just Pathetic) and the list goes on.  It's just amazing how many of them, especially those who live at or below the poverty line, believe they have more in common with a Donald Trump or a Ted Cruz than they do with a Bernie Sanders.   Sometimes I feel that people get what they deserve.  If they choose to vote red, then maybe they should have their Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security and all of the other entitlments they enjoy (yet often criticize) cut totally off!   Now that would be real justice.  


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