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§hininGŞŤaяя™'s Profile

Current Mood: Frustrated
Female - 103 years old, Docked off a pier, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2021-08-11 9:57:08 pm Viewed 20,305 times Likes 13

I'm here for shit and giggles and nothing more.  I enjoy chatting and the friendships I have made.  I'm here mostly to kill some time. Enjoy each day that you have .... for you never know, it may be your last.


"Every brand new day should be opened like a precious gift" (G)





September 3, 2013 I lost a friend. In the chat world he was known as Green Dragon, or Master Dragon. To me he was Pat my online Friend. Someone that I chatted with many years ago and we kept in touch. See it really didn't matter that we had never met. Or that we never had the chance to go out for coffee or grab a bite to eat. What mattered was that we were a part of each others lives. We laughed and cried and fought just like friends do ... yet it was never done in person. I have found that the friends that I have made on here at times end up being your best friends. What touched me the most was that Pat had a "bucket List". I was on that list for people that he wanted to meet in real life before leaving this world. Sadly, that never took place. May you soar with the Angels my Friend and know that you are in a better place. RIP Pat (L) you My Friend.


In life, Never be anyone's SECOND choice!


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